Chapter 22: Mysterious Disappearances

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A/n: TW - theres blood and dead bodies uhm so if yall dont like that you can skip this chapter and ill make a summary on what happened in the next chapter

Theres blood in this weeks drawing soooo be warned? Im starting to go back to drawing the ruffles now, ngl i kinda hated drawing Sun cause he always looked goofy but i think changing the style actually helped this time (⁠・⁠∀⁠・⁠)

Chapter 22: Mysterious Disappearances

A week has gone by with no Eclipse and hes starting to actually worry about what happened to him. Going on about running the daycare has been bland, without Eclipse being there to make snide remarks about parents or kids in general while also causing inconveniences to everyone.

Including him sadly, but even then with his disappearance he also found something off about the whole situation...

The burning was slowly growing... But thats not whats weird about it. He keeps blacking out, everytime he wakes up the burnings... Gone...

Then the burning comes back again, again, and again, with each blackout. One or two kids would end up disappearing.

Hes already panicking about where the kids went and it doesnt help that the parents are now trying to get him decommissioned for losing there precious kid.

One parent tried pinning him down to beat him up, luckily Moon heard the commotion and dragged them out before they did anything that would endanger him or the kids.

Sighing to himself as he cleaned up the daycare dejectedly, sitting down as the burning continues and wiping down each barrel with a wet towel before gently placing it in the pile with the rest of them that he made sure were 100% clean.
They really should get rid of them...

Wait... Cant he just throw them out himself?


Yeah, maybe he should have done that at the beginning .
Silently face palming himself as he nearly finished the barrel in his hand.

Tilting the barrel to get into a better position to clean he catches something in the corner of his eye.

Something on his arm...

A giant brown stain...


"Kids are weird" Sun mumbled out huffing calmly, placing the barrel down as he twists his arm fully to clean the stain up. To a normal person it would look like he just snapped his arm the wrong way, probably would need surgery if he was human.

As he wiped his arm, watching as his arm slowly becomes clean before looking at the towel to see if he needed to swap it out.

Only for him to quickly drop the towel and get up, backing away from it in fear.

Its not a mistake, he knows what that is. But he needs to make sure it is what he thinks.

Walking up to the abandoned towel before plucking it up cautiously, turning it around.

To his absolute horror, he was correct with what he saw.

It wasnt just a stain...

It was a blood stain... And the dried blood now revealed its true colors on the white towel he held.

How long its been on him? hes not sure but the blood on him is too dry to be recent... at least thats what he concluded.
Has that been there since July...? No... Moon made sure i was ok after what happened and the blood would have been hard to remove if its been that long...

So how could i have blood on myself??

Im was always awake and aware of whats happe- ... The blackouts... wait thats the only time hes not monitoring whats happening... No, no it cant be... Hes just simply tired, and stressed like... overworking! Yes, yes totally that.

But that wouldn't explain the blood. He knew he couldn't run away from the truth but he whole heartedly refused to believe that was the case.


If hes having blackouts... That means Eclipse is in control...

It- it can't be... Right? I mean, i dont even know if hes still here... Could it be?...

Great... His head is hurting... the burning in his head doesnt help either, feels like he has a cold like how the kids have them every once in a while.

It felt like the world was spinning around him.

Then his knees buckles and he straight up topples down with his face smacking onto the glorious dirty floor the sound similar to falling off his desk, knocked out.

A couple minutes goes by only for 'Sun' to get back up again and exit the daycare dragging his feet along as they walked, scratchy chuckles could be heard distorted.


It was hours before Sun regained conscious as he started booting back up, opening his eyes to see a dark room. Looking around, it appears hes in the theater nobody ever goes here. Although hes not sure how he got here.

Using his hand to rub his eyes tiredly, until he paused...

Bringing his hand away from his face as he stares at the red liquid covering his hand, it wasnt just covering his hand it reached all the way to his elbows on both hands.

Looking past his hands he steps back, footsteps echoing.

Now it makes sense where all the kids went...

15 bodies... Holy shit... he needs to find Moon.

Turning around as he was about to run out of the theater only to stop.


Yeah he should probably clean this up before someone sees this. Twisting his body back around as he tried not to gag in disgust as he dragged one of the old decomposing body away.

After the eventful hour of removing the bodies and moping the floor he quickly heads to the bathroom, avoiding onlooking cameras or security. Hes not about to explain why both his forearms were coated with blood, he doesn't even know how to explain it.

What the hell is going on with Eclipse? Why is he just now starting to massacre everyone? No not everyone, kids. The least he could do is clean up the mess and not kill kids, for god sake...

Arriving to the bathroom as he walked in pushing open the door with his leg to not coat the handle with blood, as the automatic lights flickered on, thankfully the lights in this one worked.

Sprinting to the sink and putting his hands under the faucet as water flowed out, washing away the blood that once was on his hands.

Now the thought occurred to him as he stayed deathly quiet staring at his water downed bloody hands.

Why isn't he panicking?

Why isn't he panicking?

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