10: the fight

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"They are still not back."I muttered in concern as I paced up and down in the hallway.


I looked up to see Tanonu who had a frown on his face making me nod at him.

"I hope you can forgive me for what I had done princess. I hope that it did not taint our--"I hugged him tightly before he could finish off his sentence making him hug me back tightly.

"I know you did not have a choice, Tanonu."I muttered as I held his hands making him smile at me before he nodded.

The warriors came back making me smile and ran downstairs to meet everyone downstairs but once I got downstairs I was met with somber looks.

"Where is Izogie? Nawi?"I asked as I looked over at the warriors that were walking in through the gates.

"Princess, they were captured."Amenza muttered sadly making my heart drop instantly, my feet felt cold as I stared at Amenza.

"Captured?"I asked making Nanisca nod her head as she gave me the same somber look.

"No. We need to find them."I muttered making Nanisca shake her head.

" We need to consult the King--"

"To hell with the King! The love of my life is captured by slavers! My people are captured by slavers, they will be sold off who knows when!?"I angrily yelled.

"Princess, calm down."Amenza asked making me shake my head.

"If you won't do it then I will."I angrily muttered as I walked away from them, I made my way to the throne room and sure enough I spotted my father sitting and reading scrolls.

"King Ghezo."I announced bitterly as I looked up at him making him look up at me before he chuckled.

"Is that what you call me now, Princess?"he asked whilst chuckling as he placed the scroll down.

"Are you not King Ghezo?"

"To you, I am your father, Hasana."he responded sternly.

"You are not my father. My father is dead, burning in hell where he belongs. You were no longer my father in my eyes the minute you married me off to a European."I spat back making him chuckle.

"What is it you want, child?"he asked as he stared up at me.

"I am here to tell you that I will be the one to return with the missing soldiers and I do not need your permission."I responded making him snicker as if he didn't believe me.

"Go ahead. You will be dead in seconds. You do not have an army."

"I do not need an army."I fired back making him nod his head.

"How are you so calm? We have lost so many of our soldiers, people are grieving--"

"Grieving? No one is grieving. We have won, we have thrown off the yoke! We must declare it, far and wide, we must let the people know."He responded making me began to march up to him in anger making the other soldiers hold me back.

"If they were captured, they are weak."he responded as he stare up at me.

"How could you say that--"

"Is this about your friend, Izogie? I have not seen you around with her."he muttered as he walked up to me making me shake my head.

"It is about my people, your people."I responded as I tried to get out of the soldiers hands.

"I am going to go back and look for the captured soldiers. I do not care what you say."I muttered as I pushed myself out of the soldiers grasp before I walked out of the throne room.

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