02: i think i love you?

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I listened intently as I kneaded the muscles of Izogie's back, enjoying the satisfied sounds of pleasure coming from her. I couldn't help but notice how muscular her back and sides were as I continued to massage and gently kiss her shoulders, sides, and back.

I heard a sniffle from Izogie and paused to see if another sniffle was coming from her, and sure enough, it was.

"My love? What's wrong?"I asked as I gently drew circles on her back.

"Hasana, I think I love you."she muttered making my heart stop as I stared at her back in shock making her swiftly rotate and sleep on her back making her now face me.

I saw her teary eyes and the tears running down the side of her face which made me gently wipe them away as she sat up and leaned against my headboard.

"This is such a stupid reason to cry about so--"

"No, no, no. Izogie. Nothing you cry about is stupid especially not to me."I warned as I leaned down to peck her lips a couple of times before I wrapped my arms around her neck and hugged her tightly.

"I was born in a brothel. When I was fourteen years, my mother put a sign out to sell my virginity.
The first man came, and I cried for my mother. But she didn't come. The second man came, and complained of my tears. My mother whipped me. The third man came and I burned him with an ember I plucked from the fire with my bare hand."She responded as she showed me her palms making me tear up at the story as I placed her palm on my cheek.

"You know when I was younger I used to always complain and cry about my father ignoring me and beating me any chance he got, he was treating me as if I was an inconvenience, he even told me that I was going to be sold along with my grandmother and mother. I had nothing to even cry about when you were going through so much torture, Izogie."I cried making Izogie smile before she pecked my lips a couple of times.

"I hate seeing you cry."She muttered before she kissed my nose making me close my eyes at the delicate contact.

"You did not say you love me back."She mumbled making me open my eyes to look at her in the eyes.

"It is supposed to happen naturally anyway."I sassed making her kiss her teeth as she rolled out of bed with me still on her lap before she swiftly placed me over her shoulder making me yelp.

"Izogie!"I squealed as I looked down at the ground to see that I was pretty far making me slap her back a couple of times.

"Say you love me."She chuckled making me cross my arms and keep quiet that's when I felt a sharp slap on my butt which made me gasp at the sudden contact.

"Everytime you do not obey my rules I will spank you."She sang making me fight to get out of her grasp.

"You do not even have any rules."I muttered as I continued to wriggle in her grasp making her slap my butt once again which made me gasp and slap her back.

"Obey Izogie. Repeat, my love."she stated making me huff and cross my arms which made her sigh before she slapped my butt once again extra hard this time because the slapping sound echoed throughout the room.

"Ow! I love you, I love you."I responded making her chuckled before she moved me from her shoulder to and made me wrap my legs around her waist making me look away from her attempting to give her the silent treatment.

"Oh, you must want more of the punishment."She chuckled making me wrap my arms around her neck immediately making her chuckle as she bounced me around like a little child.

"Your behind looks amazing right now, my love. Look at how it moves."

As the years passed, spending time with Izogie has been nothing short of divine. The joy I've felt in her presence is unrivaled, despite the challenges and setbacks we face in our relationship. Even on the days when we quarrel, Izogie always strives to resolve our disagreements in the same day or hour. In fact, she refuses to allow me to sleep until we've patched things up, as if she cannot bear to part with me while we are still discordant. That is how vital to me Izogie has become.

"Izogie I said leave me alone."I sternly muttered as I marched down the halls of the empty palace.

"Hasana--Hasana, can we please discuss this issue in a mature and straightforward manner?"She asked making me roll my eyes once I got to my bedroom and shut the door in her face and locked the door.

"Hasana, I am going to give you time to calm down but after that we are talking."She requested making me sigh heavily before I kicked off my shoes and crossed my arms as I laid out on my bed.

I was alone in my chambers when I suddenly heard the distinctive sound of a hard stomp. I looked up to see Izogie right by my window, having let herself in. She stared at me sternly, as if challenging me to say something but I did not give her the satisfaction instead I stayed quiet as I watched her walk up to me.

"Beloved, tell me what is wrong."She pleaded making me stare at her in anger instead of saying any words which made her groan in frustration.

"You humiliated me and you are asking me what is wrong?"I bellowed as I glared at her with anger.

"Hasana, you tell me what I was supposed to do. I will be banished but you will just be forgiven by your father."Izogie responded making me sigh heavily as I laid back on my bed.

Today, Izogie returned from her extended stay away due to an altercation, yet I was not previously informed. Upon seeing her, I could not help but rush over and embrace her. However, she swiftly rebuffed my show of affection, presumably realizing the inappropriateness of the gesture in my father's presence. I realize that my actions were selfish and that Izogie was correct to maintain but I feel like I was just emotional because of how much I missed her.

"Okay, Izogie listen. I just hate that I was not informed of your departure and you rejecting my affection made me feel unloved."I admitted making Izogie sigh heavily before she sat on the edge of my bed before she held out her arm making me hesitantly walk into her arm and sit on her lap.

"Have women always been this complicated?"She joked making kiss my teeth before I playfully pushing her chest making her chuckle before she kissed my cheek

"I apologise for making you feel neglected in anyway, my love. I should have taken your past with your father into consideration. I apologise for triggering that, alright?"She spoke up making me smile at her before I hugged her tightly.

"And I am sorry for being irrational."I muttered into her neck.

"Let me hear you."She responded making me laugh before I turned to face her and peck her lips.

"I am sorry for being irrational."

"Say that again but include my name because I do not hear this often from you."She chuckled making me roll my eyes.

"That is not true, I apologise...sometimes."I trailed off whilst giggling but she placed her hand near her ear.

"I am sorry for being irrational, Izogie."

"That sounds like an after thought. Say my name first."She joked making me laugh as I crossed my arms.

"I am not a toy."I sassed as she kissed my neck before she went to my lips.

"I love you."She muttered with her lips still against mine which made me smile.

"I love you too."

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