06: Passion

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Izogie let out a contented sigh as she sat between my legs as I braided her hair peacefully in the washroom. My body hummed with pleasure and my heart felt light and airy.

"I missed you today, beloved."Izogie spoke up suddenly in a dreamy voice making me playfully gasp as I grinned widely.

"Me? You missed me?"I teased making Izogie turn to face me making me stop braiding her hair as she gently graze my thighs with her sharp nails before she leaned in and kissed me passionately in between my thighs. I gasped quietly, my body tensing up at her touch.

"Stop teasing me."I muttered making her slightly laugh before she turned once again making me continue to braid her hair.

"How was it? Spending your time with the children at the village?"She sweetly asked as I gently tilted her head pressing it against my lap so I could clearly see the path I was braiding.

"It was wonderful, Izogie. The children are so precious and innocent. I long for the day we give birth to our own little miracle who we shall raise with love and affection. Our children will be the centerpiece of our lives, and they shall have all of our devotion and affection. I hope that I can be the best mother to our children, just like you will be the best mother as well."I muttered in response as I focused on her braid but also thought about the kids I played with today that made me want kids of my own more than anything.

As I completed the final row of Izogie's braids, I became aware that she had fallen silent.

"I hope you are not sleeping."I responded already know the answer to that because I could still feel that she was awake as I oiled her braids making her shake her head in response.

"I am not sleeping."she whispered softly as I continued to oil her braids. I smiled and gently lifted her chin to look at me making her turn her body fully as wrap her arms around my waist.

"I cannot give you that, Hasana."Izogie suddenly muttered as she looked up at me with saddened eyes.

"What?"I asked as I felt my heart ache I was taken aback by Izogie's sudden statement.

"What do you mean you cannot give me that?" I asked, my voice unsteady with emotion as I placed my hands on her cheeks and made her look up at me.

Izogie gazed up at me with a sorrowful expression. "I cannot give you children," she said softly making me nod my head.

Izogie softly spoke the words that pierced my heart.

"Yes, I know that but we spoke about adopting a baby from the village--"

"Yes, but it's not the same."She quickly interjected, and my expression tightened in sadness.

"It's not the same." Izogie continued.

"It will never be the same as having a baby that is the fruit of our love, the embodiment of everything good and true about our relationship." I stared at her in dismay, unable to dispute her words, only able to nod in somber resignation.

The tension in the air was palpable as a conversation that was once serene and calm suddenly exploded into a fiery argument.

"Well, what would you like us to do, Izogie?" I asked in a heated tone as I took my hands away from her cheek and crossed my arms over my chest.

"Just split up and forget about each other just so I could have a child with another ma--"

Izogie cut me off firmly with a shake of her head. "No, no, no. That is not what I am saying my love." she said quickly. It was clear that the issue of our future was a sensitive topic that she was unwilling to ever go further on talking about, however, I was adamant about forcing a resolution.

"Izogie, you and I are not moving from here until you tell me what you want our relationship to be." I said firmly. "You never want to talk about it and I am not letting that happen this time. We need to discuss our future and figure out what we want for our relationship."

Izogie released a heavy sigh as if she was weighing her words carefully before suddenly wrapping her arms around my waist and lifting me up from the edge of the washroom concrete floor and pulled me into the hot water making me stand in front of her this time.

We sat there briefly in silence, the sound of trickling water masking our strained thoughts. As the initial shock slowly melted away, my rage simmered into something more soothing. The warmth of Izogie's embrace provided a strange comfort in that moment, and a small part of me wanted to simply forget about all our arguments and stay like this forever.

"You know what I want more than anything in life, my love?"Izogie asked as I continued to stare up at her in admiration as I wrapped my arms around her in the washroom late at night.

Looking into Izogie's eyes was one of my favorite things to do no matter how mad I was at her.

Staring into her beautiful face and seeing the raw emotions of love and affection reflected in her eyes was a constant affirmation of my feelings. Every moment I spent with her reinforced the idea that this love was real and genuine, and that she meant the world to me.

"What is that, beloved?"I asked as I felt my heart racing at her question. I felt a flutter of excitement as I looked at Izogie with reverence, I held her close, waiting to hear her answer, wanting nothing more than to fulfill her every wish.

"For us to finally be together."She simply responded making my smile turn into a look of confusion as I searched for an answer in her eyes.

"Us to finally be together?"I asked feeling a little confused by her answer.

"What do you mean by that, Izogie?" I asked gently my expression softening as I waited for her to explain.

"My beloved, we have not yet made our love official. I desire you in every moment, yearning to hold you close and feel your embrace. Fluttering with fear every time we must sneak away for a stolen moment is not how I want to live this love. I want to shout our union to the heavens and revel in your warmth without holding back. Let our love be as pure and as untainted as it was meant to be, allowing me to hold you in my arms proudly so that all may know my love for you."She responded as I felt her pull me closer with her arms firmly wrapped around my waist making me slightly smile as I stared up at her making her raise her eyebrow as if she was asking me to respond.

"I dream of our love being free and unhindered, far away from here, and I am willing to go far and wide to freely be with you. Just allow me to enjoy these moments and when the time is right, we can go far away."I muttered in response making her think about it before she leaned down to kiss my neck before she swiftly placed her hands under my thighs and made me wrap my legs around her waist making me giggle at the sudden movement.

I moaned as her hands roamed my body, my skin tingling with pleasure. My skin bristled with excitement, goosebumps spreading across my flesh as my heart pounded in anticipation of her touch. A rush of blood pooled in my ears as I gasped for breath, intoxicated by her sensual touch. I was fully engaged in the moment, consumed by desire as her hands sent me into a euphoric haze. Every inch of my body was alive with need, begging for more of her touch, wanting nothing more than to be lost in her warmth and pleasure.

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