03: what we have.

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"Ow, careful Hasana."Izogie complained as she moved away making me roll my eyes.

"Izogie, please stay still. It's difficult for me to clean your wound when you keep moving away. So give me some time to thoroughly clean it."I responded as I crossed my arms over my chest.

"Izogie, the princess has the most gentle hands." Amenza responded as she clicked her tongue and smacked Izogie's shoulder.

"Thank you, Amenza."I responded as I gave her a small smile.

"I will leave you to it, Princess. I will be outside." Amenza replied before she kissed my forehead and left the hut.

"Mmh, you should know better than to engage in such a reckless sport."I muttered as I carefully dipped the towel in hot water that had a couple of herbs, I carefully wringed it before I gently dapped the towel on her shoulder.

Izogie remained silent as I gently took a needle a plastic disinfected thread and began to close up her deep wound. She stifled a pained moan as I closed up her wound, gripping my thigh in the process, which I did not mind, she got her deep wound from the stupid spear game they play when they are challenging the men, where they see who can handle the penetration of a spear in their shoulders, Izogie had been triumphant, but I had to clean it up because she would not stop complaining about the pain.

As I carefully repaired Izogie's wound, I felt her watching me, prompting me to repeatedly return her gaze. With each glance, I could see her gazing at me with admiration, melting my heart.

"What?"I asked, smiling brightly, as I completed the last bandage.

"I am just wondering how the Gods sent me all the blessings I had been praying for all my life, into one person."She responded making me smile even harder as I finished up with the bandage. I felt my smile grow even wider as I basked in her compliments.

"You have had too much whisky." I teased as I looked away from her making her chuckle.

"You are right."She nonchalantly replied making me roll my eyes as I packed up the medical equipment into a small wooden box.

"Although they do say that drunk words are sober thoughts."She muttered as she gently placed her finger underneath my chin making me look up at her making me inevitably smile.


"I do not know what I would do with myself if somebody misplaced a single hair on you. I just want to protect you with everything in me."She smoothly spoke making me smile as I believed every single word she told me.

"Kill them with your nails?"I teased as if I was giving her a suggestion making her laugh before she nodded.

"Pop out their eyes, fight is over."She responded as she showed me her sharp nails as if she was trying to frighten me but I did not flinch.

"You are no fun."

"No, you are just predictable."I boredly responded as I crossed my arms making her nod her head.

She suddenly leaned back and pulled me down onto her chest, catching me by surprise and making me giggle. With quick movements, I landed on her chest, where I playfully slapped her chest a few times in response.

"Izogie you will make my heart stop one day."I giggled as I placed my chin on her chest and looked up at her lovingly in which she reciprocated.

As I laid on Izogie's chest, feeling the beating of her heart, she whispered a soft request in my ear:

"Kiss me."

I smiled as I pushed myself up onto her chest and I leaned in with no thought but to appease her request. As our lips met, our hearts beat in unison, and in my mind, I could see a glimpse of paradise where it was just Izogie and I, basking in the love we shared. This simple gesture held so much meaning, and as the kiss drew to a close, I felt like I could no longer keep my eyes from her beauty and her heart .

"Will that be all, Izogie?"I muttered after I pulled away making her act like she was thinking about it before she shrugged.

"Another one..."

(a few months later)

"My love wake up, I want to say bye to you before I start off my day."Izogie murmured tiredly making me groan as I turned my head away from her.

Izogie flipped the covers off exposing my nude body which I did not pay no mind to before I drifted off to sleep making her slap my butt HARD.

"Izogie!"I gasped before I turned to sleep on my back and gently rub my butt making her chuckle.

"I would like my good morning kiss."She responded making me roll my eyes at her before I pecked her lips and laid my head on my pillow once again, sleeping on my stomach.

"Woah, my love what is this?"She asked as I felt her trace around my old scar that was on my back.

"The very reason why, Nanisca stopped taking me to missions."I muttered as I yawned and continue to try drift off to sleep but once I did not hear her response I woke up and looked up at her.

"What happened?"She asked in concerned making me lean against my hand as I slightly sat up.

"Well, this was like probably my 10th mission with Nanisca and when I was fighting, these cowardly men tagged teamed me and one slashed my back with a large knife. I lost a ton of blood and collapsed. My father refused for me to ever go back and here we are, a typical damsel in distress."I boredly explained as I laid back onto my pillow.

"Are they still alive?"

"Yes, he is part of the Oyo empire. He comes just to taunt me at times."I nonchalantly responded making Izogie huff in anger.

"Izogie, I am fine now. Still afraid to pick up a sword but I am fine. Especially since I have a protector like you around me."I joked as I wrapped my arms around her neck and pecked her lips a couple of times.

"I promise you, I will kill him some day."She muttered with her forehead still against mine making me frown before I nodded my head.

"Even if I say you should not, I know you will not listen. Go bully the other warriors."

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