04: new recruits

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"They're back!"

Isi's voice echoed through the palace, exclaiming excitedly that Izogie had returned after her month-long journey to Oyo.

I smiled as I grasped Isi's hand, eagerly hurrying our pace. The thought of finally seeing Izogie after being apart for so long filled my heart with joy. I was excited to have her back and to catch up on all that she had missed during her time away.

Isi and I waited beside the main gates of the palace, overlooking the area where the Agojie and her courtiers resided. We waited patiently for the gates to open, and as they slowly creaked open, we glimpsed the Agojie entering the compound. As I waved enthusiastically to Nanisca, she responded with a warm smile and a gentle wave in return, and my excitement grew even more as I anticipated reuniting with Izogie.

As soon as I caught a glimpse of Izogie, my smile expanded even further, and Isis nudged me playfully as she giggled behind her hand. She commented that I was drooling, but I chuckled and waved her off, my attention now entirely focused on Izogie, who maintained her stern demeanor, unfazed by my excitement. Despite her serious expression, I felt drawn to brighten her mood with a joke or funny gesture, just to hear her laughter and warm smile again.

Izogie's smile and laughter were dear to my heart and nothing else made me feel joy like seeing her bright face and hearing her infectious laughter. Nanisca may have warned her against letting love make her weak, but Izogie insisted that love had only made her stronger. Whenever she fought, she would do so with the drive to return to me and protect me.

"Princess, General Nanisca has arrived."Mali announced making me smile as I followed after Mali.

As Mali and I arrived at the entrance of the palace, I greeted Nanisca with a warm hug, making her to chuckle and return my embrace. I savored the moment of reunion and the comfort offered by Nanisca's motherly attention.

"I was wondering what was taking you all so long."I muttered as I looked up at Amenza as well with a small frown.

"We did not know it would take us longer than it did, Princess."Amenza responded as she placed her hand on my cheek before she pulled me into a warm embrace.

"How was everything this side, Princess?"Amenza asked making me roll my eyes.

"More suitors, Shante trying to be a mother to me."I trailed off boredly with mild irratation as I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms making Amenza chuckle intrigued by my dismissive attitude.

"You need to give her a chance."Amenza responded as we walked off together making me cross my arms.

"If she stops bad mouthing General Nanisca, then I will."I countered making Amenza shrug her shoulders indicated her indifference to the matter, but I remained steadfast in my resolve to only consider Shante's proposal if she demonstrated respect to those I care about, particularly General Nanisca.

"We bought your good friend back in one piece." She joked as she pointed towards a tent which I assumed had Izogie in making me smile before I jogged towards the tent.

"May I come in?"I politely asked as I stood outside the tent.

"You may."Izogie responded in her raspy voice making me step into the tent and pounce into her arms happily before I pecked her cheeks a couple of times.

"I missed you so much." I voiced as I embraced Izogie and sealed the bond with a passionate kiss, eager to reunite with her. Scanning her body for any traces of injury, I nodded in approval at seeing her somewhat pristine and spotless appearance.

When I noticed the blood on her nails, I asked, "Poked their eyes out?" with a wink, to which Izogie smiled brightly, nodding her head.

"Fight was over in an instant."She responded making me laugh with her before I kissed her once again.

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