A New Beginning

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Blue held his backpack and his bear tightly as he exited the doctor's office. He was overwhelmed with noise once again as he walked into the room. There weren't many others, but they all seemed excited. All but two, who like him, seemed overstimulated. 

While everyone else was looking around at the toys and brightly colored pictures on the walls, two were sitting alone in their own separate areas. Blue decided to copy them and went to a soft carpet, sitting down. He pulled his headphones out of his backpack, as well as his phone. He powered on the headphones, before selecting some music to listen to.

He rocked back and fourth, flapping his hands in time with the music, feeling calm for the first time that day. 

That was, until, someone tapped him on the shoulder 10 minutes later. It was one of the girls he had seen on her own. She had dark hair and skin, and seemed anxious and unsure. She was wearing a simple cyan dress with white sleeves and detailing. 

"Time to go," she said simply. Blue nodded, putting his phone away, but keeping his headphones on. He felt bad for missing Angela's speech, but knew he needed to calm down. He followed the girl onto a light blue school bus with magenta lettering on the side spelling 'Littles.'

He climbed onto a seat near the front. The bus was small, but there was enough room for all the Littles to have their own spot if they wished. Blue chewed on the inside of his lip, unsure of what was to come. 


Blue was awakened by the same girl who had let him know it was time to go. She gestured toward the bus exit, and Blue nodded, rubbing his eyes. He adjusted his glasses, before grabbing his things and exiting the bus. He followed the line of Littles going into a large building. Blue didn't listen to a lot of what was being said, as he was too distracted by everything happening around him. So, when his name was called, he was caught off guard.

"Blue Moon," Dr. Ziegler repeated. Blue looked up, noting that many of the students he had boarded with were nowhere to be seen. Blue went toward Dr. Ziegler, feeling a little ashamed. "You have been marked as particularly high-needs. For that reason, you have been assigned to 3 carers."

Blue was shocked, staring wide eyed at the doctor. High-needs? Since when?

"Huh?" Was all he could muster. He then shook his head, taking a deep breath. 

"Your carers are Tressa Smith, Margo Smith, and Mary Somers," Dr. Ziegler explained. Blue looked down, nodding. "Vice Principal Vivian Chase will meet you on the outside of that door, darling."

Blue nodded, following the gesture to a dark purple door with a star on it. Blue pushed it open, unsure what to expect. Blue didn't look up when he exited the door.

"Over here, kiddo," a voice called from his left. He froze. Miss Chase approached him, holding out a prosthetic hand. "Vivian Chase, Vice Principal. I'm just gonna escort you to your carers. I've been told you have a habit of getting distracted or overwhelmed."

Blue took the hand and shook it hesitantly, before nodding.

"Not a talker, huh? Well, depending on your behavior, you might rarely see me, or we might become very... Close. Try to avoid that, alright?" Ms. Chase warned. Blue nodded quickly. He wasn't scared of her necessarily, but definitely intimidated. 

The two didn't stop until they reached a door to some sort of apartment. 

"You'll be assigned an apartment after finishing a test to make sure you can take care of yourself. Until then, you stay with your Caregivers. If you don't, you'll be put under mandatory protection. That's not something you should aim for." Ms. Chase knocked on the door. 

A very eccentric redhead opened the door. "Oh! Hello Vivian! Awh, and this must be Blue. Hello darlin'."

Blue continued to look down, not quite sure how to react. He slowly raised his hand and waved. 

"Make sure to check over his paperwork. Might get a clue on how to get him to open up," Ms. Chase explained. 

"We've got this, Vivi. But I will," the redhead said, smiling. "Come in, dearie. We'll get you feelin' at home in no time."

Blue smiled slightly. Maybe this wouldn't be so bad.

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