"Ya Allah" she let out looking at the face of the sleeping man in front of her, it was indeed Arman.

What in the world happened to him, why did she feel so bad seeing him this way.

"Arman" she called more like a whisper as she saw the man move his fingers making her close her mouth stepping away from him silently.

She studied the man for a moment and noticed he hadn't made any more movement and decided to go and check.

Walking up to him, Assar looks down at the man and their eyes meet, he was awake and now he had a look of surprise in his eyes, he was shocked to see her, was he dreaming, he thought to himself while she stared at him surprise that he has woken up and has seen her face.

(Arman's POV)

She's here, Assar, my wife, finally, I missed her so much how did she find me, her eyes they're still the same, beautiful and innocent, I wish I could call her name but even if I do no word would come out, I wish I could hold her and never let her leave, how did she come back to anyways, how did she find me, how did she know, did she miss me.

Was she here cause she was worried about me, does she have a reason to worry, does she knows how happened to those 3 lost months of my life, and if she's here it only means one thing, that Halima lied to me.

How could I forget that witch, she tried to kill me and even burnt my property, I'm not going to spare her, I won't forgive her and I'll kill her, I just need to get better, to hell with that paralysis, it must heal and leave me, I must find and kill Halima, I'll make her pay for what she has done to me.

How can I even be thinking of her when my wife is here, I miss her, my Assar, I wish I could call her name. She was still looking at me, I think she feels sorry for me. I just hope she's not here to leave, she has to stay with me I'm her husband and responsibility, I won't let her leave, can I even make her stay. What reason does she has to but she must, she just have to, she should think of a reason to stay and stay.

"Arman" she called, ya Allah her voice is so sweet, I felt calm the moment she called my name, I want to touch her, I just have to, I want her so badly.

I stretched my hands forward to touch her and she quickly flinch which made me furrow my brow, I'm not surprised by her sudden act, I've beaten her before so I guess she think I want to hurt her, lol, why did she think I'll hit her in such a situation tho.

I managed to keep my hands back staring at her as she lets out a breath of relief which annoyed me, I missed her and now she acting all scared of me, doesn't she knows that makes me feel terrible, I know I'm not a good man but must she make it obvious.

"How are you feeling?" She asked as I just looked at her not as if I could even reply to that, even if I could I'm sure she's not blind to see that there's no way I'm feeling good right now, who would feel good in such a situation, why is she annoying me after coming back, where was she even hiding herself.

The way she came here all by herself makes it all clear that she left herself, no wonder they couldn't track her. If she was kidnapped then they'll be clues, the kidnapper must have left evidences but everything was clean, no evidence, no mistakes, nothing, she definitely left all by herself and without my permission as well.

She's very lucky I'm in the condition otherwise she won't like the punishment I'll give to her, I'm definitely going to deal with her when I get better there's no way I'm letting this pass. Assuming she was still with me I'm sure Halima wouldn't have burnt my house but at least I was able to see her true colors, I loved her sincerely but she went to betray me, I'm surely going to kill her, I don't know why women are such big problems in people's life.

"Don't worry In Sha Allah you'll get better" I hear my wife say drawing me out of my thoughts, she has such a soothing voice, she reach out to hold my hand.

Why does this makes me calm, where's that anger I had just a moment ago of her leaving me, I don't want to believe I'll just let it slide cause she's back.

She pulled my hand closer to her face and plant a small kiss on it as I felt her tears drop on my hand.

What's happening to me, why is this show she's putting on having an effect on me, why's her soft hands giving me chills and why's her tears making my heart ache, why is she even putting on this show, is she trying to play that emotional trick on me and now dare the trick even work.

"In Sha Allah you'll recover" she said as she breakdown, I can't take this anymore, what is she doing and why was it having an effect on me.

I quickly pulled my hand out of hers as she gave me a confused look, I can't let her keep tampering with my emotions like this it's best for the distance.

"I'm sorry" she said sadly which made me feel bad, I was already feeling bad now I was feeling worse, she turned and was about to leave.

How could she leave me like this and so quickly, it's not even up to 10 mins she's been here and now she wants to leave.

I held her hand go stop her which worked cause she did stop and slowly turn to face me.

"Don't you want me to leave?" She said more like a question as I shook my head unknowingly, who gave this head the permission to respond cause I know I didn't.

She let a small smile and came closer as my hands trailed her face which made her smile while her tears dropped, she's so beautiful, how could a woman be this beautiful.

Her skin so smooth and soft, she's such an angel, I want her thank goodness she's mine.

I hopelessly caressed her face, no one should disturb this moment, I trailed my hands back to hold hers pulling her closer to me, I felt her jolt, it seems she didn't want to but then in an instant she came closer herself and hugged me.

The hug was a surprise, that's what I wanted to do, did she read my mind, forget all that, why does this feel peaceful, I could feel her breaths on my chest, I wrapped my hands around her, I'm sure she's listening to my heart beats good thing it's stable and not over reacting.

"What happened to you?" She said more like a whisper which I still heard, that Halima happened to me and she's not going to get away from the consequences.

'I need to get better, I have to' I said to myself as she broke the hug looking at me.

"Can you really not talk" she said looking at me as her eyes trailed down to my legs

"Can you really no longer walk" she said as she looked back at me.

"Please say something" she said....

Arman and Assar.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora