Start from the beginning

The journey to House Blossom was spent in silence; not because either of them were uncomfortable, but because it was far too early in the morning to be making small talk. Atticus hadn't been able to have tea or any breakfast before he had to be in the carriage and he figured the Codfather was the same way. It was too much effort to break the silence of a three-hour journey.

They had to take a path near Rivendell to get House Blossom; the cold quickly settled in. Atticus gave the Codfather a blanket without much thought, curled under one of his own and figuring it was only fair. The Codfather smiled as his thanks, again not speaking.

Once the chill of Rivendell eased, they were met with the warmth of House Blossom. The weather needed to be on the warmer side for Lady Katherine's plants, Atticus knew, though other flowers thrived in the cold. He was sure Lady Katherine and Scott of Rivendell had a deal worked out for those.

The castle was just nearby the Fountain of Overgrown, one of Atticus' favorite parts of the kingdom. Outside the carriage, he could see citizens and servants milling about, getting ready for the rest of the kingdom to wake. Thomas brought the carriage to a stop at the stairs to the castle, the jolt waking the Codfather, who had started to nod off in the last hour, even if it was clear he was trying to stay awake.

"You can get yourself some breakfast instead of waiting here," Atticus told Thomas as the man helped him off the carriage.

Thomas shrugged. "I'll see. You two will be a while?"

Atticus hummed, nodding. "I believe so. We both have meetings with Lady Katherine." Thomas nodded, shooing them up the stairs so they wouldn't be late. Atticus chuckled and motioned for the Codfather to join him.

"You two have a good relationship," the Codfather noted as they climbed the steps.

Atticus smiled. "He's been my driver since I was a baby. He knows my history better than most."

The Codfather smiled, but before he could comment, a servant greeted them at the doors. "Foxling? Codfather?" she asked. They nodded for confirmation. She beamed. "Great! Please follow me, Lady Katherine will be in her office soon."

Atticus and the Codfather followed as she led them down hallways and past rooms of different uses. A few other servants glanced at them as they passed, but the walk was quiet until they arrived at Lady Katherine's office. "As I said, she'll be here soon. One of you can wait for her inside since you have separate meetings," the girl explained.

"Thank you," the Codfather said, nodding to her. She smiled before continuing down the hallway, off to do her duties for the day. The Codfather turned to Atticus. "I can wait outside," he said, motioning to one of the chairs near the door.

Atticus nodded, pushing the door open. "We won't take long," he promised. The Codfather smiled, waving away his concerns. Atticus stepped into the office and allowed the door to close behind him.

The room was on the smaller side for a castle of sheer size, but it was by no means cramped. Atticus took a seat in one of the chairs in front of the cherry wood desk, bright pink in color. Everything in the room was pink, really, with the exception of some purples. It was boarding painful to look at, but not quite bright enough to be the case.

Atticus only needed to wait a few minutes; he feared it would be longer and the Codfather would be left sitting outside for too long, but soon enough he heard Lady Katherine's voice, then the Codfather's. He couldn't make out the words they said to each other, but Lady Katherine entered the room with a smile. Atticus stood and gave a small bow, knowing Lady Katherine enjoyed theatrics.

"Foxling!" she greeted, reaching out to shake his hand. Atticus humored her before retaking a seat. She did the same behind the desk. "I'm glad you agreed to meet with me today. I wanted to discuss changing out trade and the timing." Atticus nodded, motioning for her to continue. "I was hoping Vulpesterra would be willing to provide House Blossom with quartz."

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