Chapter 17

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Davina's pov

I looked at the message on my phone. It was from Niko, he was inviting me to today's shoot.

I knew I had to go, the guys were all worried about me and they didn't believe me when I'd text them I was fine.

I was nearly ready by the time Niko arrived, he was picking AJ up as well. I entered the car silently, not wanting to say anything in front of my cousin. I'd been giving him the silent treatment for the past two days.

As we got out of the car I knew I'd be seeing Sharky in person. We'd still text a few times but it was mostly replying to each other's stories.

Any other video I probably would've been able to get together, but I was dreading this video.

Guess the gold digger - sharky edition.

And that meant, he had to go on a date with five girls, four of which actually liked him and wanted it.

Just the thought of it made me feel sick.


Sharky's POV:

I woke up early despite barely sleeping. I thought about Davina constantly, but this was worse. I wanted to cancel the video, but the girls were arriving, and we needed something to put out on Saturday, meaning it just wasn't possible.

Half of me wanted her to be at the shoot, just so I could see her again, but the other half hoped that she stayed at home. I didn't want her to see me interacting with girls even though it didn't mean anything. I just didn't want to upset her.

I arrived at the shoot early, just Kenny and Chunkz on set. The girls were there, talking to the producers and making sure they knew what was happening.

''Hey.'' I said, sitting with the boys.

''You good, bro?'' Chunkz asked.

''Not really feeling in the mood for this, to be honest.'' I laughed slightly.

Kenny patted my back. ''Fake it till you make it.''

''Maybe.'' i shrugged. ''Where's AJ?''

''Picking up Niko and...'' Kenny trailed off.

I felt my stomach drop. ''Davina's coming?''

''I think so.''

''We can tell her not to come if you want.'' Chunkz said.

I shook my head. ''No - she's apart of the group now.''

We were only waiting for a few more minutes before the doors opened, the three of them coming into the room. Niko and AJ were both talking, whilst Davina hung back slightly. I felt my heart flip at the sight of her, but she wasn't looking at me. She was looking at the ground.

''Hey.'' I said, greeting all three of them.

Davina looked up, a look of safety on her face when she met my gaze. She smiled at me lightly, muttering a hi before sitting next to Kenny. Niko sat next to her, and I noticed AJ's fake smile.

Clearly she still wasn't talking to him.

''Are you ready for the shoot to begin?'' Niko asked.

I looked at Davina, who looked away from me. That let me know exactly what she was thinking - I hate that you're doing this shoot right now.

I shot her a look when she looked back - i hate it too.

''I'm ready.'' I replied, and then went onto the shoot.

just my type. sharkyTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon