chapter 5

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Sharky's pov

I was wondering why AJ and Davina were taking so long with the drinks so I decided to go check on them. When I was outside I overheard some of their conversation and decided not to interrupt them until I heard my name.

I listened harder. They were talking about me - AJ had already guessed that I'd started liking his cousin and I'd barely even known her for half an hour.

''But you still like him?'' AJ asked with a laugh.

''No! If anything, it's the opposite!'' Davina answered loudly.

AJ stopped. ''You don't like him?''

She sighed. ''He just seems like a player...I don't think we'll get on.''

I paused. She was saying I was a player? What was she even basing that on? We hadn't even known each other for a day, and she was already making assumptions. I found myself getting annoyed. I had thought Davina was attractive, and I thought she seemed nice, but that clearly wasn't the case.

I moved away from the door, heading back to the living room. Davina didn't seem to like me, so I decided I wouldn't like her.


Davina's POV

Me and AJ went back to the living room, handing drinks to whoever. I held one for Sharky, who grabbed it roughly. I looked at him in surprise, but couldn't exactly ask him what his problem was in front of everyone.

I decided to shrug it off and sat back down next to AJ. Sharky was talking to Niko now and he seemed more relaxed, then he spotted me watching him and gave me a dirty look. What? He'd been being so sweet before.

I joined in a conversation between AJ and Filly and tried to forget about Sharky, but I couldn't help feeling like I was being watched at some points. Again I decided to ignore it. I continued to discuss zoo animals with Filly and AJ, I swear these boys can come up with the most bizarre topics.

"Guys" Niko stands up "And girl." He points to me and I laugh.

"I was thinking that, to celebrate our new friend, we should go to my favourite restaurant Wagamamas." He looks very pleased with himself.

"That's crazy, your favourite restaurant and we're celebrating her. Makes so much sense." My cousin laughs.

"I'm joking, I'm joking. But you all knew that. Davina, where do you want to go for dinner?"

"I actually have no idea, I don't come to London a lot so you guys pick. I'll be good with anything."

"Except fish!" AJ adds

just my type. sharkyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora