Chapter 12

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2 weeks later:

''Did you really just sneak out of your own house?'' Sharky laughs as I climbs into the car.

''Maybe.'' I replied, checking my hair in the mirror.

''You know the boys won't care that much, right?''

''We don't know that.''

Sharky shrugs. ''Fine.''

''Where are we going?''


I smiled. ''Sounds good.''


We arrive at the bowling place, and Sharky pays for us to enter. We go to the alley, and sharky begins typing on the keypad.


He looks at me. ''yeah?''

''Can you put the bumpers up?''

He looks at me for a moment, and then laughs. ''Are you serious?''

I scoffed. ''Why are you laughing?''

''You're an adult, Davina! The bumpers are for kids!''

''The ball always goes into the gutter if i dont have them!'' I protested.

''Well, i'm not putting them up.''

''But you'll easily win!''

''No i won't!'' he replies.

He finishes typing both of our names into the keypad, and then picks up a bowling ball. He stands at the edge, and brings his arm up before letting it go. The ball rolls down the middle, and he easily gets a strike. He looks back at me, whose mouth is hanging out in shock.


''It's not my fault i'm good at everything.'' he says cockily.

''Whatever.'' I say sourly, standing up and picking up a ball. ''You're cheating because you're not letting me have the bumpers up.''

''You can't be that bad, D.''

I rolled my eyes, ignoring him. I takes my stance, lifts my arm and then lets go of the ball. It begins travelling but, by the end of the alley, it rolled down into the gutter. I turn to sharky, who just looks at me and laughs.

''I told you!'' I whines, throwing myself onto the seat.

''Stop being such a baby.'' he says teasingly as he steps up to the alley. He throws the ball, and manages to knock over the majority of the pins.

''I wish i never agreed to this date now.'' I say, reaching for the ball.

He grabs my wrist, making me turn back to him. We look at each for a moment, just taking in each others features, and then Sharky clears his throat.

''Do you want my help?'' he asks softly.

''You'd help me win?''

''I don't think you'll win, baby.''

I felt butterflies at the nickname, but I refused to show it. Instead, I rolled my eyes. ''I think i will.''

''Do you want my help or not, D?''


We walked to the alley, standing in front of it. He moved to put his hands on me, and then looked at me.

''Can i-?''


He stood behind me, wrapping one arm around my waist and using his other hand around my wrist. He put his head close to my shoulder, so that it was almost resting on it.

just my type. sharkyWhere stories live. Discover now