Chapter 18

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Davina left and all the boys turned to look at me.

"You can't put yourself over your cousin, man." Kenny said.

I sighed and turned to Sharky. "I'm sorry ok! I don't know...I thought I was being smart and keeping you both safe being away from each other."

"But you were just being selfish."

"Yeah I know that. It's just I didn't want anything to happen between you guys because then I'd have to pick sides and I know I couldn't do that."

''No, so you picked yourself.'' Sharky muttered. ''And all that did was make us both fucking miserable.''

''Plus she just yelled at one of our shoot girls.'' Niko reminded.

I sighed. ''I'll talk to the shoot girl-''

''No, I'll do that.'' Kenny replied. ''You have to talk Davina.''

''How can i when she ignores me?''

''Try harder.'' Chunkz shrugged.

''Shit advice.'' I muttered.

''Well, we can't really help you.'' Niko said.

I looked at Sharky. ''Can I talk to you first?''


''We need to finish the shoot.'' Chunkz said. ''I'm sorry.''

''It's cool.'' Sharky nodded, and then looked at me. ''We'll talk after?''



The shoot finished, and we all left the studio. Chunkz, niko and kenny decided to go back to chunkz' place, but Sharky and I needed to talk. I wanted to go back to mine, but I didn't want to disturb Davina.

I felt guilt wash over me. I had never expected to upset my cousin that badly, i just didn't want to see sharky hurt her. I didn't want them to argue, or fall out, and make me choose a side.

I just didn't want to see her hurt.

But i was the one to hurt her.

We decided to go to Sharky's apartment, and he let us in. We both sat on the couch awkwardly for a moment, and I felt guilty again. It had never been awkward with any of the boys before - they were my brothers - but now, it felt horrible, and it was my fault.

''I'm sorry.'' i said finally.

''I don't really get why you did it.'' Sharky shrugged. ''You preferred us as enemies?''

''No! That was fucking hard...having to pick you or Davina.''

''Exactly. We're together now, you don't need to pick.''

''But what if you end up not together?'' i asked.

Sharky looked at me blankly. ''What?''

''If you break up, i'll have to pick and it'll be even harder. At least as enemies you could tolerate each other...if you break up, what happens then?''

''We won't break up.''

''How can you be sure?''

''Because...'' Sharky trailed off for a moment. ''Because I love her.''

AJ's jaw dropped. ''What?''

''We're not just fooling around, I love her, and I would never want to hurt her.''


''And i would never hurt you. You're my brother, AJ.'' Sharky said.

I nodded, suddenly realising how stupid i was being. I had hurt my best friend and my cousin, and i had even hurt myself. Davina wasn't speaking to me, it was awkward with Sharky, and the whole group were being weird with me.

''I understand.'' I said. ''I never should've done this.''

''You're right.'' Sharky agreed.

''I'm sorry, bro.''

'' and D are cool to keep dating?'' he asked uncertainty.


Sharky stood up. ''Shall we go to yours?''

I nodded.


Davina's POV:

I sat in my room, crying until i couldn't anymore. I didn't understand, not even a little bit. That girl had kissed my boyfriend, and yet they all seemed mad at me? I know that, technically, Sharky isn't mine anymore, but he still is.

He said so.

I cried, thinking about how much i hated AJ right now. He had always been my best friend, my favourite cousin, my most trusted person...and he had ruined everything. I just didn't get why he made me and Sharky break up.

If he was worried, he could've spoke to me. Instead, he made me into this. I rarely ever cried, but now, i couldn't stop it. I just wanted to be with Sharky.

At that moment, somebody knocked on my bedroom door.

''Go away, AJ.'' I scoffed.


''AJ, please!'' I cried, my voice breaking.

''But I have something for you.''

''I don't want it.''

''I think you will.'' he answered.

I hesitated, but reluctantly stood up. I looked in the mirror, wiping my tears as best as I could, and then pulled it open. My eyes widened when I realised...AJ wasn't even standing there, Sharky was, with a bouquet.

His smile faded. ''You're crying?''

''I seem to do that a lot recently.'' I admitted with a fake laugh.


''Because I love you, Sharky!'' I blurted.

He looked at me in surprise. ''Davina-''

''I love you, Sharks, and I know we haven't said it, and now we're not even together, but I love you and-''

My words were cut off by Sharky pushing his lips onto mine, kissing me deeply. He pressed his body close to me, putting his hand on my cheek, and I cuddled into him. I loved him so much. He pulled away slightly.

''I love you too.''

I smiled, kissing him through my tears. ''Are those flowers for me?''

''Yeah.'' he whispered, handing them to me.

''Thank you, they're beautiful.''

'' my girlfriend again?''

I kissed him. ''I want to, but AJ-''

''I'm fine with it.'' AJ said, appearing in the doorway.

I looked at my cousin, not moving away from Sharky. ''What?''

''I'm really sorry, Davina, for hurting you like this. You're my best friend, and I was just scared you'd get hurt.''

''You hurt me, AJ.'' I admitted.

''I know.'' he said regretfully. ''But i'm not being involved anymore.''


He nodded.

I looked at Sharky.

He looked at me. ''So? Be my girlfriend again?''

I nodded, kissing him all over his face. ''Yes!''

just my type. sharkyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें