chapter 4

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Sharky brought us into his living room and I sat in between Niko and AJ.

''Guys, this is Davina. She's living with me for a while.'' AJ explained.

''Hi.'' I smiled.

''This is Chunkz, Kenny, Darkest, Filly and you just met Sharky.'' AJ continued, pointing to each boy as he said their name.

''You alright, girl?'' Filly asked.

''Yeah, thanks.''

''Have you only just moved to London then?'' Chunkz quizzed.

I nodded. ''I got a new job, and I got put in the London office. I would've been screwed without AJ.''

''He is a saviour.'' Niko joked.

''How long are you staying, Davina?'' Sharky asked.

I looked at him. ''Until i get bored of my new job, i guess.''

''Sounds good.'' he said, flashing his smile towards me.

I knew I was probably turning pink so I looked away.

"I'm going to get a drink." AJ says getting up.

"Grab me a coke." Niko asks.

"Get me one too." calls Kenny.

"And me." Chunkz says.

I stand with AJ knowing he'll need a hand carrying the drinks. I follow him to the kitchen and he opens the fridge. I sit on the counter as AJ opens the fridge and pulls out a few cans of coke.

"So" AJ turns to me "what do you think of the boys."

"They seem cool." I say, silently begging him to not bring up Sharky but my pleading is futile since the next words out of his mouth are "What about Sharky."

"What about him?" I say as nonchalantly as I can.

"I saw you looking at him."

"No you didn't" I reply a bit too quickly

"You're getting defensive." AJ laughs and I know he's doing it to get me to talk, he knows me too well.

"I hardly know the guy AJ."

"He was trying to flirt with you. Of course he doesn't know how to flirt but the attempt was there."

"He probably flirts with different girls all the time." I say knowing my face is definitely the same colour as the coke cans.

''But you still like him?'' AJ asked with a laugh.

''No! If anything, it's the opposite!'' I say loudly.

AJ stopped. ''You don't like him?''

I sighed. ''He just seems like a player...I don't think we'll get on.''

AJ looked at me in confusion, but he didn't want to push the conversation any longer. He just shrugged, grabbing a few coke cans and walking past me. I copied, grabbing the cans and walking back to the living room.

Davina didn't mean anything she said - she just didn't want her cousin to know how attractive she found this man. She may have only met him a few hours ago, but she could already feel butterflies whenever he looked at her.

She actually thought she might have a crush on him already.

Too bad she didn't realise he was standing right there, meaning he heard every word.

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