Chapter 9

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Davina's pov

We got home pretty late and I ended up heading to bed practically straight away. I wished my cousin goodnight and tried to fall asleep but I couldn't. I kept thinking about the conversation with Sharky and wondering where we would go on our date tomorrow.

He hadn't given me any hints, and I didn't know him well enough to make any guesses where he would take a girl. As soon as the thought entered my mind, I wished it hadn't. Now all I could think about was how many girls Sharky had been with. I didn't know whether the player vibe was real, or I was making it up - all I knew was that he was attractive and he had girls at his feet.

I didn't want to judge, but I suddenly felt hesitant about going on the date. What if this was just a game to him? What if AJ found out? What if everybody else in the beta squad got mad? I had only just moved for my job...i couldn't risk losing everything for Sharky.

I picked up my phone to cancel, but then realised I didn't have his number. I could ask AJ for it, but did I really want to cancel? Maybe i was just letting my nerves get the better of me. I sighed heavily, putting my phone back down. I liked Sharky...I had to at least see what would happen on our date.

I had to go.


The following morning I woke up pretty early only to see a text from a random number. I opened it and saw it was from Sharky.

"Hey Davina, I stole AJs phone yesterday and got your number since I was too dumb to get it when I asked you on a date.Since I never got to know you that well due to our misunderstandings, I thought we could go to this fair in the evening around 6ish and get to know each other."

I laughed slightly, a smile appearing on my face as i read the time and location of our date.

I replied to the message - saying I thought it was a great idea and that I couldn't wait.

I made my way downstairs to make some tea and maybe some toast. When I got to the kitchen, I saw AJ and Niko who were already eating.

"You look happy today." Niko commented.

"What, I'm not allowed to be happy?" I laughed.

"Not when it's barely 10am and you haven't eaten yet." AJ says.

"It's a good day" I say, gesturing to the window. "look at the sunshine."

Niko nodded. ''I like your positive attitude, D! AJ could take some tips.''

''Whatever.'' AJ laughed, before turning to look at me. ''Want toast?''

''Yes, please.'' I replied, taking a seat at the kitchen table. ''What are you guys doing today?''

''Not much.'' Niko shrugged. ''What about you?''

I hesitated. ''I don't know...i'm thinking of going out later though.''


''I don't know.'' I answered truthfully.

''Filly was talking about us going over to see him...i could ask if he's still free?'' AJ asked, turning to Niko.

Niko nodded. ''Sure.''

''Let me ask in the group chat.''

AJ sent the text message, and the three of us sat and spoke about something else as we ate. We weren't waiting long before both of their phones lit up, and they picked them up instinctively. They both read the text, and then looked at each other.

''What?'' i asked, sensing the worry on their faces.

''All of the boys are down...''

''But?'' i pressed.

''Sharky doesn't want to go if you are.''

I almost laughed. That was his excuse to not go? I honestly wondered if he even had a brain, because now, I had to make up an excuse not to go.

''I'm going to explore a little anyway.'' I shrugged. ''But you guys have fun!''

''Are you sure, D? We can come with you.'' Niko suggested.

''No, it's fine. I want to know how to get places on my own anyway.''

AJ and Niko looked at each other, and then shrugged. ''Fine.''



It was almost 6 o'clock and Sharky had text me saying he'd pick me up since AJ wasn't home. I fixed my mascara then made my way downstairs. I opened the front door and saw Sharky parking his car.

He got out as I approached the car and opened the car door for me.

"Aren't you quite the gentleman?'" I laugh

He looked at me hopefully. "I thought we could just start over and you could maybe forget all the negative stuff in your head about me?"

"Of course, but only if you forget all the bad stuff about me."

"That's fine, it's all forgotten." I replied. We got in the car and he put the radio on and cayendo was playing, I started humming along and Sharky looked at me in shock. "You like Frank Ocean?"

"Yeah. Is that surprising?'"

"No it's just that I like Frank Ocean too."

For the rest of the car ride we ended up just singing our favourite Frank Ocean songs until we arrived at the fair. Before I could get out of the car Sharky was already opening my door for me - he really knew how to charm a girl.

I could hardly process what was happening as he took my hand and led me through the carpark and toward our first stall of the night.

''You know these are rigged, right?'' I said as Sharky handed over a £5 note to the guy working the stall.

''Or maybe you're just negative.'' Sharky replied.

I rolled my eyes, but watched as he picked up the darts. He had to hit directly in the middle of the target board to win a prize. I wasn't stupid, I had been to fairs before - nobody won these. They were just a way to make money.

Sharky looked at me. ''You aren't going to cheer me on?''

I laughed, putting my arms into the air dramatically. ''Go, Sharks! Win me a teddy bear, please!''

He laughed. ''Your wish is my command, Davina.''

I smiled - I liked the way my name sounded in his mouth. He threw a dart, and missed completely. He looked at me in shock, and I laughed at his face. He picked up the next dart, aiming differently. It landed on the board, but it was still nowhere near the target.

''Last chance to win me a teddy or i'm going home.'' I teased.

Sharky grinned, and then turned back to the board. He focused more, and then threw the dart...straight into the middle. He looked at me, his mouth open wide, and i was doing the same face. The man running the stall laughed, and looked at Sharky.

''What teddy do you want?''

Sharky looked at me. ''You choose, Davina.''

I looked at them all, and then settled on one. It was obvious which one I should choose..which one was going to remind me of Sharky. A blue and grey shark, a small smile on its face.

''That one.'' I replied, pointing to it.

The man handed me the teddy, and I smiled at Sharky, who was already smiling at me.

It might've been early, but I knew this was going to be the best date I had been on.

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