"We keep going until we get to Luna," Octavia corrected, her voice sounding like the fact wasn't up for discussion.

A few seconds of silence passed. "What do you think she's gonna say when we show up asking to put an AI in her head?" Jasper asked.

"Most grounders I know would jump at the chance to be the Commander," Astoria pointed out, but in truth she didn't know much about Luna. Lincoln had mentioned her once, and told the younger girl that she could find refugee with her at the ocean. Astoria didn't take him up on the offer, because she barely liked having him help her. She preferred to be alone back then.

"Lincoln said she helps those that are in trouble," Octavia continued for her, and Astoria hoped she was right. Otherwise they drove all the way out for nothing. "She'll help us too."

Once the words fell from her lips Bellamy was slamming on the breaks, and just as he always did he held out an arm to help brace Astoria. She held it for a moment, until she realised she was fine, after which she quickly pushed him away. He didn't speak a word, or even huff, and they both looked to the tree than had fallen from the storm.

"Think she can help us find a better map?" Jasper quipped, and Astoria rolled her eyes.

"We'll backtrack," Bellamy decided, moving the gearstick slightly. "Find somewhere where the trees aren't so bad-" he stopped when Octavia opened the back door, and Astoria couldn't stop herself from smiling. "Hey!"

She shook her head, and opened her door as well. "Try telling her that," she mumbled, and Bellamy pushed his lips together as he followed them out of the rover.

"Anyone hear the part where I said it could be days?" Jasper called as the girls began to rush through the trees, though they didn't get far before Octavia was putting her hand up.

"Stop!" she ordered, and they all obliged. "You hear that?"

Astoria listened carefully, and nodded her head as Clarke answered. "Water."

The continued to run up a small hill, and when Bellamy called out Astoria huffed in annoyance. "Eyes sharp, they could be hostile," he warned, and Octavia turned as she reached the top.

"They're not hostile!" she argued, shaking her head. "Put the guns down!"

When they found a rushing lake, Astoria quickly pulled her bow over her head and followed after Octavia. They walked beside it until they found the ocean, the rain no longer as heavy and now being blocked by the trees. Until they came to wide open water, where they all stopped.

"Where's the village?" Jasper voiced the concern they all had, because there were no huts or people to be seen.

Octavia opened Lincoln's journal and looked to the map, allowing Astoria to look over her shoulder as well. The cairns to their left marked the area, and proved that they were in the right spot. "No," Octavia whispered, sounding defeated before she shook her head and took a deep breath. "No, it can't be."

When she took off towards the stacked of rocks, the others followed quickly behind. When they got there they stopped in the middle of them, and Astoria spun in a small circle, almost not believe the sight. Lincoln told them it would be there - it had to be there.

"It isn't a village," Jasper breathed, sounding just as confused as the rest of them. "It's just a bunch of rocks."

"She's gone," Clarke whispered with a shake of her head, not wanting to think it true.

They had managed to find enough dry wood to build a small fire, and Astoria had quickly got to work lighting it. Octavia was at her side watching as she rubbed the two sticks together over a bundle of dried grass, and up until then they had been relatively quiet. It was quite the group; Jasper and Astoria were mad at Clarke, and Astoria and Octavia were mad at Bellamy. It would be difficult to have a conversation that wasn't tense.

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