chapter 12

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after the jet landed onto the landing pad, the doors opened to reveal four men standing outside waiting for us. i stood up confidently and assumed they were for me to escort me somewhere, my suspicions being confirmed after they walked over, taking my arms and escorting me out of the jet. everybody just looked at me, and if i'm being honest it was a bit awkward.

they led me into the elevator and brought me down to one of the lowest floors which took a while to get to. i tried memorising the floor plan in case of a need to escape.

the man in front of me walked out as me and the three other men followed.

i was staring straight forwards, not wanting to put behind my confident character, meaning i was staring straight at the man's back. he was very tall and had an eye patch in front of his left eye. he was also wearing a long black coat which trailed behind him like a cape. it was quite intimidating but i didn't show it.

we walked into a room with one large cell in it. they opened the door and chucked me in, then closed the door and left. they didn't say anything, not even a word. i raised my eyebrows at the audacity.

there was nothing in here to do so i walked over to the bed and sat down on it. i looked around observing the cell i was in. it was nicer than any of the others i had stayed in before, and had better technology.

due to being left on my own, i had nothing to do except occupy myself.

i was thinking about how easily they stormed the base and took down the agents. they must be well trained. they were also wearing strange suits, everyone's having a different colour and pattern on it.

i remember how one caught my eye though. one of the redheads, who's name i still don't know, was a widow. she was wearing a different suit to the one the widows wore but still had the hourglass symbol on her belt.

i recognised every move she pulled on the hydra agents. every single one that was taught to me.

i felt like i knew her but then i don't think i've ever seen her face.

instinctively, i pulled my hand up towards my necklace and played with it, tracing all of its curves with the tips of my fingers.

that's when i realised.

they're the avengers.

it all hit me, and i finally felt a sense of control knowing who they were.

my hand was quickly removed from my neck when i heard someone walk in and cough, grabbing my attention.

i turned around to see that same redhead along with the other one stood side by side.

we stared at one another coldly for a moment before i interrupted. "you're a red room agent i see" i said, aiming it at the girl on the left.

she instantly met my eyes, looking shocked. "how did you know that?" she said clearly trying not to drop her strong demeanor. i shrugged. "your fighting skills give it away widow" giving her a nickname since i didn't know her actual name yet.

the younger redhead looks into my eyes, and oh if looks could kill i would be dead. 

"we've been told to come and interrogate you, so i'm going to make this easy for you. who, where, when" she said, not taking her eyes off me. if i was an ordinary person, boy would i be terrified, but being a red room and hydra agent brought up with people who would punish you if you didn't look intimidating, it wasn't out of the ordinary so i kept my cold composure.

"red room" i held out my left hand. "hydra" i held out my right hand and clasped them together, hinting to them that they had merged and started to work together. i decided, trying to be complicated, that that was all i was going to give them. i smirked at them whilst they looked at each other scared.

and with that they walked out of the room.

once again i was left thinking to myself. however this time, it was about hydra.

the avengers are supposed to be my worst enemies. the people that i am meant to be assassinating, not pairing up with them.

hydra and the red room were sure to come back to me purely because, well, they couldn't lose their best asset that easily. 

when they did come back, they would be punishing me pretty harshly later on, so i tried to think of what to do to lessen said punishment.

i could pretend that they injected me with something to make me unconscious, playing with the fact that they kidnapped me, or i could just kill them all. i decided on the latter.

that's why, when the sokovian opened the door to my cell to bring in some food, i lashed out.

i slowly advanced her, trying not to scare her away before i could get close enough. then i launched at her, bringing her small body towards the hard cold floor.

i straddled her and held her arms by her sides as i looked down at her delicate face and said "you're the avengers"

the girl looked into my eyes as her gaze hardened. she, coming from a past of hydra, knew well enough that the avengers were the number one threat and target for all projects.

suddenly, i stood up as my veins and eyes glowed a deep shade of purple, before slowly lifting her up and flicking my other wrist to the side, sending her flying into the wall and landing on the floor with a loud thud.

to the sound of this, all the other avengers came rushing in. noticing the open cell, i tried to make a run for it. i am a fast runner, i could make it. i thought.

clearly not as as soon as i stepped foot out of that cell, captain america had come over to me and took a hard swing at the side of my skull, leaving me lying on the floor unconscious.

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