Chapter 5

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Crystal POV

A familiar whistled tune catches my ear as I head in from my run.

Takanori: "Good morning."  Takanori said, resting on his usual spot on his hood.

Takanori's customary delighted good morning is almost like a song he has sung to me for the last four days. Followed by his warm smile, he gathered the paper bags next to him. Every morning Takanori has shown up with a bag full of treats and a coffee with my name on it. Even though I let him know that he didn't need to bring anything when he came, he didn't pay me any mind and continued bringing Layla and I breakfast. This morning was no different.

Takanori: "How was your run, Gem." He said, smiling.

Crystal: "Morning, Iwata. It was fine." I said, keeping it formal. "You know you don't have to keep bringing breakfast with you," I reminded him.

Takanori: "I know, but Layla loves pancakes." He reasoned.

Crystal: "She doesn't need them every day." I said, walking to my door.

Takanori: "You tell Layla that." He said, following behind me.

Once inside, we both assessed the wreck my living room was in.

Takanori: "It's like a tornado hit." Takanori said, looking around. "What happened?" He asked.

Crystal: "Layla happened." I said, throwing a few of her clothes in a pile. "Layla! Takanori is here!" I yelled.

Layla: "Hi Takanori!" Layla yelled from a distance before huffing in with two suitcases.

Takanori: "Fleeing the country?" Takanori chuckled.

Crystal: "No, she's trying to pack for her flight tomorrow." I answered him.

Takanori: I thought she already did. He replied.

Crystal: "She did. Then she realized she might meet Naoto's parents. Now she keeps fretting."

Layla: "I just want to make the best impression." She worried.

Crystal: "You will. It's just parents." I said, helping her fold, but Takanori made a sound of hesitation.

Takanori: "Well, I wouldn't say that." He said hesitantly.

Crystal: "What do you mean?" I asked.

Takanori: "Naoto's parents aren't the most cooperative people in the world." He said plainly.

Layla: "Really? Naoto has told me a bit about his mom, but it didn't seem that bad." Layla requited.

Takanori: "But I'm sure he hasn't said much about his dad." He said to the point.

Layla's silence confirmed his suspicions.

Takanori: "Yeah. Naoto and his father haven't had the best relationship in years. Naoto was supposed to go into dentistry like his father but didn't." Takanori explained.

Layla: "He's so far from being a dentist now." She said, analyzing the situation.

Takanori: Yeah, at least outside of the bedroom. He chuckled at his lewd joke before I chucked a shoe his way. "Kidding! Anyway, they haven't seen eye to eye in a while. His father is pretty traditional." He said, putting his hands on his hips.

Layla: "Oh god! I'm doomed." Layla dove into her clothes.

Crystal: "It wouldn't be that bad." I said, trying to comfort her before shooting Takanori a death stare for worrying her. I mouthed, 'Fix this' as I rubbed her back.

Takanori: "Hey, come on, Layla. There is no need to worry. You are Layla. You can befriend anyone. It's almost impossible to get or stay angry at you. I would know. You're too lovable. They will love you." He said sincerely.

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