Chapter 4

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Crystal's Pov

Blood pumping and pleased as a peach, I stretch my muscles, cooling down after taking a quick break from my morning run. Even though I ran a bit further than usual, I needed it. Yesterday was eventful. Leaning deeper into a stretch, I started to think about yesterday.

My workday was ridiculously stressful. It felt simultaneously too long and short, but the dreaded day wasn't over yet. On the way home, I caught a flat and then, like my day wasn't already scraping the bottom of the barrel, Takanori was in my living room. All my patience that day was gone when I locked eyes with him.

I only wished for a peaceful quiet afternoon to counteract the crappy day I had, but instead, I felt cornered by my sister and the man of my dreams and nightmares. Like a caged animal, I threw caution to the wind and went with rage. The day I had was enough to bring the worst out in me but seeing Takanori put gasoline on the fire. Like an arsonist, I set my world ablaze and watched it burn as they left. I knew I had unresolved feelings towards Takanori, but I could never have known it would have manifested like this. All I could see was red. Being ghosted by this man again after three years felt personal, and granted, from what I understood, he didn't recall ditching me the first time, but this time what was his excuse? I didn't care, nor did I want to know. I was triggered and ready to do something about it. Three years of emotions rushed me, and I took it out on anyone at arm's length. It wasn't until I slammed the door shut, did I realize how much I messed up. Layla got the brunt of my anger, and Takanori could do nothing to stop me. Poor Layla didn't deserve that, she hadn't done anything wrong, yet my pride held me in place, halting me from running out to stop them. Even though my regret was heavy, I let it stay that way. I wasn't in the right headspace. I couldn't afford to hurt her more. I figured I would call her in the morning after the dust settled to try to fix my mistake. Time and distance were always the cure for me, so it seemed the best option. Still reeling from my lapse in character, loud bangs against my door echoed threw my empty house. Like a category-four hurricane, the second I opened the door, Takanori stormed in and showed a side of himself that shook me.

I had never seen him like this, and I honestly don't think anyone had seen him this way. He was thoroughly angry. His words lashed against me like strong winds against a barely standing house. Takanori's frustration was so visible I could feel the hair on the back of my neck stand at attention. Every word he said was a tough pill to swallow but somehow melted the anger I thought I was entitled to. Even though he was the last person I wanted to see, he was what I needed. His anger put things into perspective. He was right. I was being unreasonable. Takanori's outrage made more sense than my own and left me silent. I just watched him pace back and forth, becoming more and more heated with each step. As quick as he came, he left with a final "Call her" before slamming the door.

It took me a bit to collect myself together after Takanori left, but I listened. I dialled Layla's number and found the words I lacked previously. Thankfully after a few tears, Layla was back home with me. Last night, we spoke frankly and set out some ground rules to ensure we could cohabitate with very little chance of this afternoon happening again. Although the night ended on a good note, my night wasn't over.

My mind made sleeping almost impossible. It kept harping on how Takanori was yesterday. All night I dissected our encounter. From the moment he rushed in, his aura was intense. His stance, heavy breathing, furrowed brows and fierce stare made me speechless. His tone was harsh, and the tension in his words paralleled his muscles as they impressed in the fabric of his button-up. The more I thought about it, the less I remembered the words. Gradually I only focused on the things that made my pulse race.

Indulging in my thoughts landed me in a very precarious spot this morning as I woke up out of breath and flustered. I throbbed incessantly in the places Takanori took advantage of in my dream. Although tired from my restless night, my morning run helped flush out my frustration. Instead of staying still with my racing thoughts, I used them to keep pace as I ran. Anytime my mind settled on any part of my dream, I channelled my annoyance into pushing my legs to run faster. Unknowingly I added an extra mile to my usual route, which made my limbs feel like jelly. Huffing and soaked in sweat, I headed towards my door through my driveway. My stride halted when I noticed Takanori resting on the hood of his car parked in the carport in front of my door. Seeing him after last night's dream was hard, but I walked up to see why he was there so early in the morning.

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