47 | panic & protect

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I've practically chewed the entirety of my finger waiting for Finn to return home. I can only guess where he's gone and I pray he hasn't thrown in all his efforts to stop drinking already. It will fucking break me knowing I'm the reason he would have relapsed.

I tried his phone numerous times but no response.

My stomach crashes with nausea and I can't breathe. I'm sure I've permanently marked the flooring in our kitchen from where I've been pacing so damn much. I just want to know that he's okay, that he's not drunk himself silly and gone wandering.

Oh God. I press my hand to my chest to stop myself from heaving.

What if something bad has happened?

I lean over the counter and press my elbows into it. My hands cover my face as I try to regulate my breathing.

It makes it no better knowing that JJ isn't answering my calls either. Fuck. Fuck. What if they got into a fight? What if police got involved an–

As there is a clink at the door, I push myself up. I shake my head, realising how badly I've been overthinking the last few hours. I haven't been able to sit still for a single second.

The front door swings open and I exhale a breath of relief when I see Finn, then JJ. Neither of them are covered in blood and bruises so I presume no fists were involved in whatever just went down.

"There you are," I exhale as Finn walks straight towards me. "I was worried."

JJ shuts the door behind him and follows us over to the kitchen. My heart flutters when he looks at me, especially now that Finn knows everything. I flick my gaze to my brother and watch as he presses his palms to the counter.

His gaze is low and I hold my breath. "I need more answers."

I gulp and JJ meets my eyes. He offers me a small smile but I can tell whatever happened between them has been a journey. I wish I knew what was said because right now I feel completely out of the loop.

JJ walks around the counter and pauses at my side, his fingers brush my bare leg out of Finn's eyesight. "You okay?" He whispers.

My lips open but I shut them and nod instead. Now is not the time to showcase our relationship in front of him. I twist my head and find Finn scowling at us, his eyes look tired and I hate myself for allowing this to go on for so long.

This is all my fault.

"Why did it take you so long to tell me?" His tone dips and I swallow.

"Because I couldn't find the right time to tell you."

Finn scoffs. "The right time?!" he exclaims and I flinch when his voice echoes around the kitchen. "Did you even feel the slightest bit guilty for going behind my back?"

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