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"COME ON DAISY," I HUFF as I chuck a pillow at her across the living room. "These job applications aren't going to write themselves.

She rolls her eyes, long lashes fluttering against her cheek bone. When she glances away from her phone that she has between her hands, she exhales a low grunt. I mean I don't want to be here either but I'm doing her a favour and being a good friend.

I agreed to help her apply for jobs this summer. She decided to take a year out of University so that she can travel, take time out for herself but she's yet to find a job which she'll need to fund her extravagant year off.

"Iv," she grumbles with a frown. "Why hasn't JJ texted me back?"

Now she has my attention.

I open my mouth as soon as it turns bone dry. "You text him?" I'm trying to keep my cool but I have no idea if it's working.

Daisy nods and shuffles closer to me on the sofa. "Yeah, after the party. He gave me his number and I dropped him a text the day after but he still hasn't replied."

Part of my heart pangs for her because I know Daisy doesn't take rejection well, that's because she's never rejected and when it happens, it hurts her a thousand times harder. But the other part feels relieved, even though I know I told her she should talk to him and that I'm fine with it.

I have no right to dictate who she can speak to, even if I've already had a night with JJ. I know I can't be with JJ so I can't gatekeep him. For all I know, they might work out and end up happily ever after, married with two kids in their semi-detached house in the city. God. What am I even thinking?

"I don't know," I admit with a generous half smile. "I've barely seen him since the party."

Finn has taken him under his wing and made sure that his first week here has been incredible, even in this small town that people don't understand but I think JJ can appreciate it for its natural beauty and calmness.

Daisy releases a dramatic sigh. "Do you think he doesn't like me?"

"Dais, I have no idea. Let's focus on these job applications, I said I'd help you. Not gossip."

She stares at me for a moment and I look back to the laptop, praying that she hasn't seen through my show of defensiveness. But then she moves to sit next to me. "Fine," she grumbles. "But only because I do really need a job."

"Put your phone away," I point to the glowing screen in your hands.

For twenty minutes we go through which jobs she could apply for, which ones she'll need cover letters for. She's bored after three minutes but I convince her to continue for her own sake. Just as she submits an application, footsteps echo down the stairs.

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