37 | i'm never running

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Saturday takes far too long to come around.

I've been running a thousand scenarios through my head about what Ivy wants to tell me. What could she possibly say that will make me think differently of her? Nothing. That's what.

The fair on the beach is in full swing. Rides, food stalls, games. Music blasts across speakers and children run about the sand with candy floss in their hands. Even the sun is creeping out behind the pearly white clouds for a perfect day.

Finn, Joe and Cal are beside me. We know as soon as the sun starts to set, it's time for a party amongst the young people who live here. But it's nice to see the small community come together and enjoy a wholesome Saturday.

But all I can think of is Ivy and how excited I am to see her.

She wasn't at the house all morning, I can only presume she went over to Daisy's to get ready before the fair. Now I'm itching to see that beautiful face.

We're meeting at the ferris wheel at seven o'clock.

Time couldn't be going any slower right now.

The four of us grab a beer and perch on a railing, facing the sea. Joe is talking about a house party tonight and I'd rather sneak into Ivy's room and spend the night with her. I've been craving her touch, her voice, her kisses.

I'm a deprived man. It's barely been four days and that's far too long for me.

Finn swats my chest. "So I heard Phoebe is interested in you," he smirks in my direction before sipping on his beer.

My eyes narrow. "Who?"

"What do you mean who?"

"I literally have no idea who you're talking about," I grumble under my breath. Because it's true, who on earth is Phoebe?

Finn huffs out a breath. "What is up with you man? You've come here and barely even looked at other girls. This place is heaving with hot girls and you don't even care."

I shrug simply. "I don't," I admit.


For reasons I can't tell you right now.

"What's the point?" I admit. "A short fling or a one-night stand. I've still got to go home and finish my degree. I can't be bothered with growing attachments or saying goodbye."

And until now, the thought hasn't even crossed my mind with Ivy. We both have another year to finish at completely different Universities. I didn't stop to think how would that work out? I didn't care before because I've wanted her so badly that any negative thoughts have been overshadowed.

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