30 | no more games

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The taste of Ivy resting on my tongue is making me unbelievably hard.

Even thinking about the way she whimpered into my mouth and clutched onto my shoulders for support—that is also making me stupidly hard.

As we stand facing each other, catching our breaths, we both know we need to leave before we're caught together and people start asking questions. Finn will need me for the second half of the match after our mini drink break but instead mine consisted of Ivy coming all over my fingers whilst she moaned into my ear.

I give her one last smile before I exit the beach hut. My cock begins to soften as I watch the boys group up again. Yep, there is no way I'm going to be hard in public, especially not around Finn. That will be a dangerous game.

When I approach the drinks table, I crack the lid off a beer bottle and take three large sips before beginning the second half. I'm trying to keep focused but I can't stop thinking about the way Ivy's mouth moulded into mine, how our tongues brushed over one another, how I pinned her to the wall.

Good girl. I cooed. Fuck. She came all over my hand so fucking hard.

The ball slips past me and I curse to myself. A hand swats my shoulder and I find Finn in my direct eyeline. "What's the matter with you?" He scowls.

I don't know why he's taking this so seriously, it's just a bit of fun. "It's hot," I grumble, which isn't an entire lie. It's scorching out and I need a bucket of ice to be dumped over my head.

Finn rolls his eyes and I ignore him, I continue to play the game—or lack of because I can't focus for more than two seconds.

When the game is over...we lose badly, we join together on the beach. Music starts blasting and someone begins building a bonfire for when the sun starts to set. I purposely didn't look out into the crowd whilst playing football in case my eyes met Ivy's.

Then it would have been a dead giveaway.

I hate to admit it but the idea of sneaking around with Ivy gives me a thrill. It was extremely unexpected but I loved every second of it. Doing something dirty with our friends only a few feet away.

A little secret between us.

Of course Finn is going to be furious if he ever finds out what went down between us but right now, it's probably best that he doesn't know. It's definitely not going to be the last either. There is no way I'm not going to hear those sexy moans again. No way.

I float between groups until the fire is roaring and the sun has set, the sky lit up with stars that remind me of Ivy and her constellation hunting. My head turns towards the flock of people who are standing around the bonfire and the tree logs.

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