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Jieun POV

I wake up in the morning, reaching for my phone to check the time. As I unlock it, I see a text from Wonwoo. He asks if I want to go out today, and I reply with a simple 'Yes, why not?' I quickly get ready and then ask him where we should meet.

Wonwoo: "Let's meet at my place. It's just a few blocks away from your house, take a swimsuit with you."

Jieun: "Alright, sounds good. I'll be there soon."

I let my aunt know that I'm going out and head over to Wonwoo's place. When I arrive, I feel a bit shy about knocking on the door and facing his parents, so I send him a text that I'm here. A moment later, Wonwoo's head pops out of the window, and a warm smile spreads across his face.

"Hey! I'll be right down. Hang on!" he says "Okay, take your time." I reply.

As I wait, I notice his parents looking out the window, and they seem delighted to see me. I give them a small bow and smile, feeling a bit nervous but also happy.

Wonwoo comes out of the house, and I can't help but feel my heart race as he turns to face me. He gently takes my hand, turn us away from his parents's sight  and pulls me closer. "I missed you," he says, looking me in the eyes.

"I missed you too," I reply, feeling my cheeks burn a bit. Then, he leans in and kisses me softly on the lips. The kiss is tender and filled with affection, making my heart flutter with joy. "You always know how to make me smile," I say, still feeling a bit flustered.

"I just can't help myself when I'm with you," he says, and then he kisses me again. I feel a sense of comfort and happiness as his lips touch mine, and I savor the moment. It's not every day that you get to kiss THE Jeon Wonwoo.

After the sweet kiss, we intertwine our fingers, and Wonwoo suggests that we go to Jeongdongjin Beach. "Jeongdongjin Beach? That's quite far, isn't it?" I say, surprised by his choice.

"Yeah, but don't worry. My friends are picking us up, and we'll have a great time together," he reassures me. I'm a bit shy and nervous about meeting his friends, unsure if they'll like me or not. But I know that Wonwoo is just trying to get me to socialize more, so I agree without hesitating.

"Okay, as long as you're there with me," I say, smiling at him, and he gives my hand a reassuring squeeze. "They'll like you, don't worry, and Mingyu is there, so it's gonna be fine. I won't be the only familiar face."

Just then, we hear a loud honk, and I turn to see three people in a car signaling for us to hop in. "That's them! Let's go," Wonwoo says, walking towards the car.

As we get into the car, I can feel a mixture of excitement and apprehension bubbling within me. I decide to introduce myself first. "Hi, I'm Jieun."

"Hey, I'm Soonyoung, but everybody calls me Hoshi. Wonwoo's been telling us all about you," one of the boys says. "And I'm Seungkwan. It's nice to finally meet you!" the other one says, smiling at me.

They seem like really fun people. "It's nice to meet both of you too!" I reply, feeling more at ease with their friendly greetings.

As we drive toward Jeongdongjin Beach, I find myself smiling, knowing that this day is going to be filled with unforgettable memories. "Are you excited?" Wonwoo softly asks as I rest my head on his shoulder.

"Definitely! Thanks for planning this, Wonwoo," I reply, looking up and smiling at him.

I can feel that this day is going to be great.

After three long hours of driving, we finally arrive at the beach. As I step out of the car, I stretch my arms, letting out a relieved sigh. "I'm so glad we're finally here. I really hate long car rides," I say, looking at the others.

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