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3rd person POV

As the trio gathered in the music studio, Jieun, Mingyu, and Wonwoo felt a mixture of excitement and nerves. They were about to record their song, but they still hadn't settled on a title. Mr. Choi, their music teacher, had encouraged them to find a title that truly captured the essence of their collaboration.

Mingyu strummed his guitar while Jieun held the notebook with the song's heartfelt lyrics. Wonwoo adjusted the microphone stands, ready to add his vocals to the mix. They had put so much effort and emotion into creating the song, and now they needed a title that would do it justice.

"Guys, we need to come up with a title," Jieun said, looking at her friends with determination. "Something that reflects the journey we've been on, the moments we've experienced together."

Mingyu nodded, tapping his fingers on the guitar strings thoughtfully. "You're right. The title should capture the mix of emotions we've gone through as friends and collaborators."

Wonwoo leaned against the wall, deep in thought. "What about 'Melodies of Friendship'?"

Jieun considered it, but she felt that there was more to their story than just friendship. "That's a good start, Wonwoo, but it's more than just friendship. It's about finding love, pursuing our dreams together, and supporting each other through it all."

Mingyu's eyes lit up with an idea. "How about 'Harmony of Dreams'?"

Jieun and Wonwoo exchanged glances, but it still didn't feel quite right. "It's close," Jieun said, "but there's still something missing. We need a title that captures the sweetness and the bitterness of our journey."

As they recorded the song, pouring their hearts into each note, they sang about their shared experiences, their dreams, and the challenges they had faced together. The lyrics spoke of both the highs and lows they had experienced, creating a beautiful balance of emotions.

In the final chorus, as Jieun sang the line "Bittersweet memories, we hold them close," it struck a chord with all three of them. They realized that the title they were searching for had been there all along.

"Guys, I think I've got it," Jieun said, a smile forming on her face. "The title should be 'Bittersweet.'"

Mingyu and Wonwoo looked at each other, and then back at Jieun. They could feel the connection with the lyrics, understanding that their journey had indeed been bittersweet. It was a perfect reflection of their time together, the mix of emotions they had experienced, and the beauty of their friendship and love for music.

"Bittersweet," Mingyu said, trying the title out loud. "I love it." Wonwoo nodded in agreement. "It's perfect. 'Bittersweet' it is."

With the title settled, they went on to record the final version of their song. As they sang the chorus one last time, they knew they had created something truly special. "Bittersweet" had become more than just a song; it was a symbol of their journey together, their friendship, and the power of collaboration. They couldn't wait to share it with their classmates and the world, knowing that the title held a deep and meaningful connection with their hearts and souls.

Jieun POV

As we entered the familiar bar, memories of our previous night flooded back. Mingyu couldn't resist teasing Wonwoo about getting drunk again, and we all shared a laugh at the friendly banter.

"Watch out, Wonwoo! You don't want to end up like last time," Mingyu chuckled, patting him on the back. Wonwoo playfully rolled his eyes, "Don't worry, I'll be fine. Besides, I have Jieun to take care of me tonight." I blushed at his words, but it was true. We had grown closer over the past few weeks, and I found comfort in knowing that he considered me a reliable friend, or maybe more.

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