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Jieun POV

As the gentle morning sun warmed my face, I slowly awoke, a smile spreading across my lips as I reminisced about the events of the previous night.


I was half-awake, my mind racing with nerves as I lay beside Wonwoo. He looked so peaceful in his slumber, and I couldn't believe how close we were. Then, unexpectedly, he turned towards me, wrapping his arm around my small frame and pulling me closer. Uncertain of what was happening, I tried to move away, but he whispered for me to stop and said, "It's already late." Summoning my courage, I asked hesitantly, "Um, Wonwoo, what are you doing?"

He grinned playfully, teasingly. "I need to stay warm on such a cold night, Jieun. You're surprisingly as small as my plushie." His comment made my cheeks flush, and I replied, "Am I just a substitute for your plushie, then?" Wonwoo chuckled, his warm breath tickling my ear. "Well, you are, but you're ten times better than the plushie."

His words eased my nerves, and I found myself relaxing into his embrace. I felt content just being close to him, even if it meant nothing more to him. Deep down, I knew he might not remember any of this in the morning, but that didn't matter at that moment.

As the night wore on, we remained wrapped up in each other, his body warmth providing an unexpected sense of comfort. We exchanged light-hearted banter and shared quiet laughs, and the tension between us gradually eased. In the dim light, I could see the softness in Wonwoo's eyes, and I couldn't help but feel a flutter of something more than just attraction.

But I knew better than to read too much into it. Tomorrow, he would wake up, and it would be as if this never happened. It was just a fleeting moment, and I didn't want to ruin it with any heavy emotions or confessions of love. So, I decided to cherish this time, savoring the closeness we shared and allowing myself to enjoy the simple pleasure of being in his arms. For now, that was enough.

End of flashback.

It's a pity the night had to end, I thought to myself. I looked around, checking for any sign of Wonwoo, but he was nowhere to be found. Perhaps he left earlier this morning... Disappointment washed over me, but I tried to shake off the feeling as I got up to start my day.

With a heavy sigh, I made my way to the bathroom, hoping to freshen up and put yesterday's events behind me. As I reached for the doorknob, I took a deep breath, preparing to face the new day. But as I opened the door, I was met with an unexpected sight that left me stunned.

There, shirtless and seemingly unaware of my presence, stood Wonwoo, innocently brushing his teeth. My eyes widened as I stared, momentarily forgetting where I was and what I was doing. His bare chest, perfectly sculpted, and the droplets of water trickling down his skin captured my attention, and I couldn't look away.

In those few seconds, my mind went blank, and I found myself unable to move or speak. The surprise of the encounter and the unexpected sight before me left me momentarily paralyzed. But then, reality hit me like a tidal wave, and I snapped back to my senses. I quickly slammed the door shut, my face burning with embarrassment and panic. My heart raced as I leaned against the closed door, trying to collect my thoughts. "Oh my gosh, oh my gosh," I whispered to myself, feeling a mix of shock, attraction, and humiliation.

I took a few deep breaths, trying to calm myself down. I knew I had to say something to explain my abrupt reaction, but the words wouldn't come out. Finally, I gathered enough courage and yelled through the door, my voice shaky, "Wonwoo, I-I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to... I mean, I didn't know you were in there!"

The bathroom door creaked open slightly, and I heard Wonwoo's voice, tinged with amusement, "It's okay, Jieun. I should have locked the door or something. Don't worry about it."

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