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Jieun POV

"Make sure to do your homework! I'll check tomorrow, class dismissed," our teacher in Studies of Rhythmic Instrument, Ms. Hwang, said while the rest of the students packed their things. It was only the first class, but I was exhausted! I had only slept for four hours last night because I was reading - oh yeah, not studying lol. I'd rather damage my sleep schedule for books than for school.

I checked my schedule and thanked God I had an hour free! You already know where I'm headed: the library. As I made my way there, I was looking through Instagram, not really paying attention to the people in front of me when I bumped into someone. Of course, all my books had to spread out on the floor.

I squatted down to pick them up and inadvertently touched hands with the person I bumped into. I looked up to get a closer look at the man. "Oh, Jieun!" Wonwoo... oh my, I touched Wonwoo's hand! What do I do? Okay, Yoon Jieun, act normal. "Oh, Wonwoo, sorry, I wasn't paying attention," I said, getting up. He did the same and handed me the rest of my books. He chuckled, "Seems like history repeats itself." I unconsciously started to smile, remembering that time when the exact same thing happened. "Wait, you remember?"

"Of course I do. I mean, we've been in the same schools for two years, and for the past two years, every time I saw you, you were either on your phone with your headphones on or your head buried in your books," he said, smiling at me.

He remembered, he knows me, Jeon Wonwoo knows me. I can't express how happy I am right now; I mean, you can understand, right? My crush knew me the whole time. I always thought he had forgotten me after our interaction. But he didn't! Here it is again - my heart is pounding. I smiled back, feeling my cheeks heat up. "Oh my, do people really notice these things?"

"I don't know about other people, but I do. I tend to notice what others don't really pay attention to; that's a habit of mine. But anyway, what class do you have right now?" he asked. "Oh, I don't have any, so I'm going to the library." He nodded, "Of course you are. Well, see you later then!" he said, patting my shoulder and waving goodbye. As I smiled at him, I released a breath that I didn't realize I was holding. That was intense; if he keeps flashing that damn smile of his, I might pass out.

I started to walk to the library, putting my attention back to my Insta feed. As I got in, I sat in my usual place by the window where I could either get some air or stalk the other students. As I stared at the numerous students going in and out of their classes, someone tapped on my shoulder. Could it possibly be Wonwoo? I turned my head with a smile on my face. "Ah," was the only word that could get out of my mouth when I saw Minho standing in front of me with a pile of books. "Hi Jieun! Is it okay if I sit there?" I shook my head. "No problem, so, you read?"

Now I might sound paranoid, but I feel like the guy's trying to get my attention or something. He nodded. "A bit yeah, mostly crime novels, and I guess you do too." Well, maybe I was wrong. "Romance mostly, but I do like a bit of crime novels too." His eyes widened in excitement. "Really? What's your favorite crime novel?"

"The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, but I'm not sure you-" he cut me off. "By Stieg Larsson, right?" I can't hide my surprise; he knows stuff. "Yeah, that's right! What about you?" he answered with another famous crime novel, and our conversation started to be about our favorite authors and other stuff about books. Maybe he isn't that bad after all.

After about 45 minutes, I had to head to my next class, so I sat up, and so did Minho. "It was good talking to you, Jieun. Could I get your number, maybe? You know, so we can talk about books and stuff like that." I awkwardly smiled, "Uh, I can give you my Insta if you want. I don't really give my number to people from school, sorry." He nodded and took out his phone, "Here, write it there." I did so and handed back his phone, waving goodbye.

I walked to my next class and entered the room. As I scanned the room for a free seat, my eyes landed on a smiling Mingyu who was waving in my direction, offering the seat beside him. I softly smiled to him and sat down. "I never noticed you there," I said as I took out my notebook and pencil case. "Oh, that's because I used to skip this course a lot." I furrowed my eyebrows and asked him why. But before he could answer, the teacher came in, signaling the start of the class.


"Oh no, thanks Mingyu, but I'd rather eat alone. The cafeteria kind of stresses me out, sorry," he cutely pouted in disappointment. "Too bad, Have a good lunch though. I'll see you later in class," he replied and quickly ran to the cafeteria. As for me, I'm going to meet up with Jeonghan for lunch since my next class isn't for another 2 hours. I walked to the school gate and saw him talking with some girls who were all around him.

Can't blame them; he's older and has a motorcycle. But I know my cousin too well, and if I don't join him, we'll never eat. So I walked up to them, clapped my hands, and pushed through the girls. "Excuse us, ladies, but we have to go," I said. One of the girls side-eyed me, but I didn't mind. Taking the spare helmet from his hand, I quickly put it on and said, "Oppa, let's go." A few of them noticed the nickname and mumbled things under their breath. Jeonghan chuckled and started the engine, but before we left, I screamed, "He's my cousin, not my boyfriend! Y'all still might have a chance." And with that, we left.

Twenty minutes later, we arrived at WooSung Galbi, aka our favorite barbecue restaurant in Seoul, and settled down, telling our orders to the kind waitress. "So, how's this group project of yours?" Jeonghan asked. "Oh, well, we haven't started yet. The class with Mr. Choi is later," I replied, pouring myself a cup of water. "Who's your partner?" He asked, doing the same. "No one you know just two boys from this class" He hummed in response.

Our orders came in, and we started to eat. "Oh, right, Jieun. Imo needs you at the restaurant this weekend. You have to cover my shift," Jeonghan said. I sighed, "Again? What have you been doing? I'm still in school, you know." He laughed and teased, "Oh, don't start playing the role of the top student who cares so much about her grades, Yoon Jieun."

I rolled my eyes. "Whatever, this is the last time I'll cover your shift." "Oh, come on, it's not like I ever ask you for anything since you're always too scared to go outside" he playfully said, but it didn't amuse me much. "And it's not like you've ever done anything for me before" I spat back, staring at him. "Yah, are you trying to pick a fight with me right now?" He replied, staring back.

"Maybe I am! What are you gonna do about it?" He looked at me with anger in his eyes. "Yah, Yoon Jieun, don't be like this. I'm older than you; show me some respect!" I rolled my eyes once again and muttered, "Older my ass, you've been acting like a child since your dad left."

"What did you say?" I looked at my watch and sat up. "Nothing, I have to go back to school," I said and went outside, hopping on his motorcycle. If he wants to act like a kid, then he'll have to be treated like one. He ran outside, trying to stop me from leaving, but I started the engine and threw him my wallet. "Call yourself a taxi, namdongsaeng."

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