Chapter 9 - Bonding time?

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Meggy: Hey Mario and Smg4? Would you like to join us in finishing the treasure hunt?

Smg3: Wait what!? I don't want idiots to join the treasure hunt! I don't feel like babysitting this dumbass!

He points to Mario with an angry expression.

Mario: Mario doesn't like your attitude! What if the treasure is spaghetti??

Smg3: You always think about spaghetti so I doubt it!

Smg4 looks at them fighting as he doesn't know what to do while arriving at the destination and stops the engine. She looks over at Mario while shaking her head.

Meggy: Mario if the treasure is spaghetti it would be so old that you would get sick from it! Also I don't think anyone would hide spaghetti as treasure.

Smg3: Still don't want to babysit him!

He crosses his arms and looks away.

Mario: Well Mario doesn't want to hang out with a wannabe Smg4!


Meggy looks at both of her friends and tries to calm things down.

Meggy: Whoa! Guys calm down! Come on, it will be fun! We all are friends here, and if we run into more danger, the four of us should be able to handle it with no problem!

Smg3: Friends? Ha! I'll never see them as friends! If I'm going treasure hunting, I prefer to go ALONE!

He gets out of the RV with Eggdog and starts walking to take a breather.

Smg4: Three wait!

He tries to stop him but fails. He looks at Mario and sighs.

Smg4: We can't have nice things with you huh?

Mario: He called me fatty! So rude!

Meggy ran out of the RV chasing after Smg3.

Meggy: Smg3! Wait up!

She catches up to Smg3.

Meggy: I'm so sorry for that back there! I should have asked if you're ok with it first. I was hoping to help you be better friends with them. You and Smg4 get along well, Mario, while he is annoying, I'm sure he cares. He just has a um.. unique way of showing it. He did mention having fun playing Gmod with you. But if you don't want them to come along that's fine.

She looks at Smg3 with a sad look feeling bad that she made him mad. He looks back at Meggy and tries to calm down from the outburst.

Smg3: It's fine, just tired from the rescue mission and I'm guessing we're all tired. I don't care if they want to join but need to be careful since ya know. It's Mario of all people! Smg4 is fine but don't feel bad about it. You're a good friend and they deserve you more than anything right now.

He places his hand on her shoulder and gives a small squeeze. She looks at him and smiles a bit.

Meggy: Thank you. I'm still calming down a bit from the rescue too. You're a good friend too! Let's go back and have a fun camping night with them before we continue on the treasure hunt!

Eggdog barks and rubs Meggy's leg happily.

Smg3: I think Eggdog likes you. If they're complaining about my attitude, they can leave.

He smirks and walks back to see Mario and Smg4 eating roasted marshmallows. He blushes seeing how Smg4 looks with that nice shading with the bonfire. He stops and stares for a bit. Meggy gives Eggdog a pat and follows Smg3 back. She looks over at Smg3 staring at Smg4 then giggles to herself and waves at Smg4 and Mario.

Meggy: Hey guys, we're back! You save any marshmallows for us!?

She walks over and sits next to Mario. He hears the giggles from Meggy and blushes more as he looks away from embarrassment.

Mario: Mario roast marshmallow for you Meggy! Mario bet you'll like it!

Mario gives Meggy some very burned marshmallows on a stick. Smg4 notices Smg3's behavior and he looks confused.Meggy looks at Mario and then at the burned marshmallows. She takes the stick and laughs.

Meggy: Thanks Mario!

Smg4: Hey Meggy? What's up with Smg3?

She looks at Smg4.

Meggy: He has had a long day and he's tired from the rescue.

Smg4: I get that but why is he staring at me earlier?

Mario eats burned marshmallows like candy while Smg3 is still looking away and feels embarrassed from staring at Smg4. She eats some of the burned marshmallows that Mario gave her.

Meggy: Not sure. He might just be happy to be with his friends. You should ask him.

Smg4 sighs then gets up to check on Smg3. Mario notices the two meme guardians and whispers something to Meggy.

Mario: Mario bet they will finally be gay together!

Meggy: Mario, when they get back please don't tease them about it.

She whispers while looking over at Smg4 and Smg3 and smiles.

Meggy's mind : I hope their talk goes well.

Mario looks at Meggy then them and smirks.

Mario: Why? It's fun to tease their gayness!

The Treasure Arc (SMG34 RP story)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang