Chapter Twenty-Two

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Kat Claire:
It has been another 3 days that I haven't been in school. Thanks to my parents, I have been able to tell them that I have been really sick, but soon it's time to start going to school again, if I don't show up in the next couple of days, they might kick me out of school, or worse, I'll have to repeat this year. Well, the beginning of this year was hard enough and I would be crazy to repeat that. I just want to be a doctor at the end of this year. I will be.
Things are starting to get better, the tension is still strong between me and my parents, but me and James have figured things out between us. He even got me to agree to seeing a therapist at least once a week, after budging for the millionth time, I couldn't say no anymore. If an hour a week of just sitting and talking can get him to stop asking me, I would do it, and who knows, maybe it will help me.
For the second day in a row now, I am sitting on James' bed, all alone, not having a clue of what to do. Believe it or not, I actually started to miss my stupid school and my friends.
I have thought a million different times about how I was going to explain to them that I went away for 4 days without saying anything. Sure, I could tell them I was sick, but then I could have easily called, I would have called, because it's so unlike me to disappear and not let anything hear. Maybe they even went to my house to check if I'm there. But my parents are only home most of the time with Lena. My parents will lie for me against my friends because they owe me. They will say, 'No, I don't know where she is, check back again tomorrow.'
"Kat!" The sweet voice of James yells through the hallways. His enthusiasm in his voice, doesn't fail to bring a smile on my face, or a happy feeling streaming through my body.
In these 3 days he told me I could stay with some girls he knew wouldn't harm me, but the pain of betrayal is too fresh for me to make new friends.
"I have some good news Kat." He says, standing in the door opening, completely out of breath. Behind him is standing a man, a couple inches shorter, looking a lot like James in facial shape, not expression, just shape.
"Oh so this is the she devil?" The guy says, he looks about the same age as me, the younger version of James.
"Shut up," James replies for me, and slaps the back of his head. "My little brother here, is going to school with you, same class, so you don't have to miss out on any more school, but I'll know that you're safe."
A happy feeling boils up, covering the depressing feeling I have been feeling, that's what happens when you stay inside for too long. This means I get to see my friends again, even that one annoying teacher, for the first time I am happy to be able to see him again.
"How? How did you manage to get him in this class?" I am a last years student, meaning it's impossible to join my class now.
"Don't worry about that Kat, just make sure to rest this weekend so you can be ready this Monday."
Going back to school means there is a chance that I see Liam again since he is in my class still. The way he acted the last time I saw him, I didn't recognize him at all. Maybe he's the creepy and dangerous man James says he is. I don't really know who to believe at this point, what I do know is that I'm going to be extra careful tomorrow.
Squeaking and smiling I jump up to hug James as tight as I can, squishing him as I do. His soft clean hands stroke my way too-dirty hair, he doesn't seem to care one bit.
"Eh, hi, I'm Tyler."
"Oh, sorry." I pull back and hold out my hand, instead of shaking what I actually expected him to do, he takes it and presses his lips to my knuckles, leaving me completely flushed. No one has done this to me before, no one treats me with such respect. Seeing Dante, I didn't expect James or his brother to be raised with such respect.
I turn slightly to look at James's reaction to his little brother's action, but he doesn't respond, not with a single facial emotion like this is the most normal thing in the world. Maybe it is for him, not for me at all.
"You can call me Kat sir."
James bursts out in a peal of laughter. "You don't have to call him sir, he just acts like an idiot by kissing yourself, this little boy here." He lays his hands on Tyler's shoulder and shakes him. "Has barely any respect, he's trying to impress my girl. Aren't you?" Tyler rolls his eyes with his cheeks red from embarrassment.
"Shut up." Tyler mutters under his breath.
This pure and sweet brother relationship makes me smile, it's the same kind of relationship he and his step-father have. Happy family moments like these make me smile, and make my heart feel like it's whole. These are family moments I used to have with my dad, with Lena, but now, now my family feels like they're complete strangers to me.
"You know, you look quite different than I expected, you're so young."
I scratch the back of my head awkwardly, not knowing the proper reply to this. "I guess you're right, I'm 23, but age is just a number am I right?" No one laughs, I tried to make a joke as they do together but no one laughs. "All right, well, I better rest, I guess I will see you on Monday Tyler, I look forward to it."
As a goodbye, he gives me a salute, not a single word.
"So... Now it's just me and you." James begins as soon as his brother is out of sight. The door falls shut behind him. The look in his eyes gives away what he wants to happen next. Dark, lust, hunger, craving, the exact feelings he gives me just by looking at me like that.
At a slow pace, he shovels one foot closer to mine, then another. It takes too long, I pull him close and crash my lips on his.
His soft hands travel through my dirty hair, over my neck, to my back, and even lower.
My body feels on fire and the only way to stop it is to feel him, all of him. His mouth on mine suddenly isn't enough anymore, I want his hands all over my body.
James's hand travels over my thigh and pulls on it slightly, hinting me to wrap my legs around his waist, so I do. I jump up with his help and wrap myself around him like a towel.
My back hits the wall and the kiss doesn't break for a second, it even deepens quite a bit. He lets out a groan that makes me crave him even more when I thought it wasn't possible.
When he removes his lips from mine, all I can do is breathe heavily, gasp for all the oxygen in the room. James isn't finished kissing yet as he moves over to my jaw, my chin, my neck, then he hits the soft spot on my neck that makes me snap. I am a mess of moans and breaths. I struggle to keep the pleasure in control, to even keep my eyes open.
"You don't know what your moans do to me." He says in between the kissing, his breath sounding just as heavy as mine. The tone in his voice is the last thing that makes me snap, I can't handle any more of him. It's like a voice I've never heard before, so raspy, so desperate, full of breaths. I can almost hear his heartbeat away in his chest.
James presses my back into the wall harder when I don't give him a reply back, a sign that he is frustrated. But no matter how much I try to speak, the words get trapped in my throat, the same that happens with my following breaths.
I have never wanted someone more than James.

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