Chapter Five

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Kat Claire:
"Good morning Mister Levine, might I say, you look stunning on this beautiful Tuesday morning." His expression stays cold, the same kind of cold it was yesterday morning.
"Good morning Miss Claire, please take your seat." James's eyes scan my outfit, for today's outfit I decided to challenge James and dress edgier. Totally inappropriate for a normal school day, but if I'm lucky none of the principals will catch me. If they do, I'll hold a story about respect for a woman's body.
Slowly I make my way to my usual spot, making sure to swing my hips with every step I take. His eyes are piercing right through my back. A smile appears on my face, the tactics I am pulling are working on him very slowly.
Sitting on my chair, I lean forward with a large grin on my face, looking down a bit to make sure loads of my cleavage is showing. Although I don't have the biggest breasts, this push-up bra is doing its job very well. It's like a magnetic fluid in it attracts James's eyes to it.
Exactly how I want it.
As per usual, I have the attention span of a four-year-old, especially with mister Levine teaching this class. So I start writing a love letter to him, hoping I find the courage somehow today or tomorrow to hand the letter to him.
My pen begins scribbling letters on the paper, and the letters form words that turn into sentences. Throughout the letter I bring my head up to look at James, to find him staring back at me the entire time. His eyes only fixated on mine.
Other girls are staring, with almost drawl coming out of their mouths, but he doesn't seem to care one bit. This guy can not tell me that he is not just as in love with me as I am with him.
My phone vibrates, an indication that a text message has come up.
Mary: 'Hey, I'll be waiting for you at the school exit today. Let's talk.'
Mary never just wants to talk unless she's under the influence of alcohol or something serious. It makes my heart beat in my throat.
Without bothering to reply to the text I make my way down the hall as slow as possible. I like to have some more time to myself to think about what Mary might possibly have to say to me.
'Did I do anything wrong recently?'
'Did I drunk text her?'
'Did something happen to her?'
Suddenly I'm worried, instead of slow walking I run down the halls. The way too clean, bright white, slippery halls.
"Mary, is everything all right?" As expected she's waiting for me at the exact spot I expected her to be, leaning against the school wall. The posters from prom are still behind her.
"Hey Kat, yeah everything is all right, I just wanted to have a little chat with you. Because last night me and the girls were just calling. And Kat, we are very concerned for you." I raise one of the two eyebrows to let her know my confusion.
Mary takes my hands in hers and squeezes them tightly.
"We heard how defensive you talked about James yesterday, and how protective you are over him. You almost got raging mad to your best friends about him. We don't think that's healthy, it's an unhealthy obsession." A long silence falls, as I have no idea how to answer her concern. "You're obsessed with a guy you can never have." I'm thinking, the longer I stay silent and just agree with her, the sooner this will be over and I can go back to making more plans to get James to fall in love with me.
Her eyes slide down my body in a trace of disappointment when they catch on to something. Mary lets my hands go and she rips the piece of paper sticking half an inch out, out of my pocket.
The love letter.

Dear James,
I'm sitting here right now, in your class. Staring like an idiot, many of the girls are staring right at you, but you seem to notice me the most. Just like you did on Friday with my friend group. I have always been special to you James, special like you are special to me. It's impossible for me to ever stop thinking about you, about your eyes, your soft lips, all of your 6'3 inches.
A year from now on you will be mine, and then we will read this letter back like a couple and laugh at it.
2 years from now I will move in with you.
4 years from now we will be engaged.
6 years from now I will be married to you and pregnant with out first child.
In 10 years we will have 2 beautiful kids and live the happily ever after life James. We are destined for each other.

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