Chapter Twenty-One

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Kat Claire:
"Good evening." Dante greets the people that enter right through the double doors of the dining area. I am too curious not to turn and give them a slight look, so for the first time since I've entered this room, I lift my head up from my plate of food.
In the corner of the room are two adult people, one man, one woman. Both awfully familiar... My parents, what the hell are they doing here? How the hell did they get here?
"Mom? Dad?" Maybe they were here to come and pick me up, because they heard I wasn't in school. No that can't be. James said this is a very secret society and no one besides the members know about this.
The members.
'These people here, are willing to give anything for this society, even their own family. Their own children.'
James' words echo a million times through my head, I could never forget such words. My first thought was, how could parents do things like that? They are supposed to care for their children for the rest of their life, not put them in danger even more, not lie to them, hide these things. And after that, I thought, my parents would never do something like that. Yet here I am, now standing up, looking both of them up and down, completely stunned. My legs struggle to support the rest of my body. There is not a single emotion visible in their expression what makes it worse. They have truly been sucked up by the society, they truly don't care anymore about me, or my sister. My poor sister, who is still a sister, who has to live under my parents care, under the care of betrayers, liars.
"What the hell mom, dad. Care to explain?"
They give me both the same dirty look before saying. "We could ask the same of you."
"I, am not part of this society, I am just here for safety reasons, because I'm James' girlfriend."
My fathers eyes grow wide, they switch rapidly between me and James, raging mad, I can't tell if he is mad at me or James.
"You are together with that piece of garbage?"
"Don't talk to him like that!" I stand tall now, showing all of my 5'9 inches. "You can't be mad! I get to be mad now! My parents betray me, you guys lied to me! For how long?" A silence follows, no one cares to answer my question. "For how long?!" I ask again, this time with more emotion. No answer yet again, as if every person standing right here in this room has lost their tongue except for me.
"How could you do this to me mom? To Luna! She is underaged!"
"Katie please." Somewhere deep down, there is still emotion in her, still feeling for her children, the feeling that was once strong is now less than 1 percent. She reaches out to hold me, but I step back, a step closer to James, a step farther from my parents.
Right now, I am willing to leave this family full of lies behind for a future with James.
"I can not believe you right now Katherine." My dad starts again, with an angry tone. I don't get how he is angry right now, I am the one who got betrayed, I am the one who got hurt, I am the one who got backstabbed. "You are with that, that monster?"
My dad talking to my boyfriend with such disrespect gives me chills. He doesn't have to like James, he doesn't have to be friends with him, but call him a monster? He can't even be happy for me? My parents are worse than I thought, they're nothing as I thought. These people standing right in front of me are not my parents, they're the people who made and raised me, right now I am 23 and perfectly fine on my own, I don't need these traitors in my life anymore.
"Get out."
"What?" Their voices both full of shock and betrayal, like I am the bad guy now.
"Get the fuck out!" Tears fall down my cheeks on the way too expensive carpet, that I would never be able to fic if it got stained by my tears. "OUT!" The tears fall faster. My mom takes one final attempt to come closer to me. I don't know what she expected, but I push her. Hard. "Get the fuck away from me!" Swearing isn't much like me, and yet, here I did it twice in a row, against my own parents. Yet neither of them seem to get my warning, they're frozen in place. Like they have become statues.
My mom dares to do another attempt to touch me, an attempt to calm me down. The last person who should be calming me down right now are my parents, yet here they are, my mom pulling on me arm, trying to get me to hug her.
First I hit her chest, she takes the hit and doesn't pull away, I hit again, this time with a lot more force, when still nothing happens, the rage in me hits the top. All my pain has turned into anger, if I had magical powers right now all the walls would be shaking, and these beautiful paintings would have fallen right off their hangers.
My temper is far gone, I lose myself in the punches, when she took so much of my punches, dad steps forward. But I don't stop, not even for my dad. I hit over and over again, until I'm sure their body is black and bruised, even then I don't stop. I won't stop on my own. That's when I feel two people grip my arms from both side. I look to my left where I see Dante's straight face, I look to my right where I see James's worried face. When I want to punch again, I can't. Both of my arms are being held down, and I can't move a muscle in either of them.
With pain in her heart, my mom follows my dad, out of this room of pain, anger, and betrayal.
"Kat... Are you okay?" James asks after 15 full minutes of silence. 15 minutes, that's how long it took for my breath to slow back down, for my rage to quiet.
I turn towards James now, the tears haven't stopped falling down my cheeks. There is a worried look behind those pearly brown eyes. The look I wanted to avoid, he has so much to worry about. And now I fucked it all up again.
I take a large step back until my back hits the wall behind me, my expression switching from James, to Dante, back to James.
"You knew?" Tears fall faster as I ask James, I don't actually want an answer to it. Because I already have it. Of course, he knew, he is a member too, he knows all the other members, he knew and didn't bother telling me about it. Instead, he let me go with the effect of surprise, which is much more enjoyable.
"This is so fucked up." The tears stream down like waterfalls until my eyes are ugly and puffy, but no matter how much of an ugly crier I am, I can't stop. Getting betrayed by the 2 people you're supposed to trust for the rest of your life, stings deeper and sharper than any knife every could.
With a sprint, I pass through the door my parents just walked through minutes ago. Sure, I could've talked this out with my parents and James, but for now. All I can do is hurt, cry, and hurt some more. Sitting in my own sorrow, that's the thing I'm best at after all.
This morning while going to the kitchen, I paid close attention to every corner of the hallway, every door, every creek, I knew the exact way back to the bedroom. Once I got there, I lock the door and let myself fall back onto his bed.
The bed we cuddled on just an hour, the bed I will cry my eyes out on now. This pain is too much. I wouldn't wish this pain upon my worst enemy.
Any minute now, James would come looking for me, he would probably start by knocking on his own bedroom door. It was the worst place to hide, but at least it had a lock, which would take him some time to unlock.
I prop myself up to my elbows to scan the room, on his drawer he keeps a collection of luxury knives. The only reason that I get up, is just to inspect them, take a very close look at each and every single one. I trail my finger along one to test its sharpness, it instantly cuts through my flesh and blood flushes out. Bright red blood.
In one of the drawers I find some paper and a pen to my surprise, James doesn't seem like the type at all that would write or draw on paper.
The blood from my fingers drips down the pen onto the paper as I write word for word.

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