19. Madness at the Kocho Home

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I woke up in Giyuu's arms. My hands were resting on his bare chest. His eyes were shut, his lips slightly parted. Giyuu's hair was flying around, covering a part of his right eye. He looked adorable.

I untangled myself from Giyuu's grasp. He didn't notice as I got up. I was only. I was only wearing a tank top and shorts. My bare legs felt cold against the suddenly chilly temperature of my bedroom.

I ran to the bathroom to brush my teeth and fix myself up.

Like a regular teenager, I then checked my phone. The first thing there was, was a text message from Kanae.

Oops! Kanao forgot the charger for his phone. Were coming back in an hour to pick it up. Miss u! Lol

Did she just say 'lol'?

I checked the time the message was sent. 8:47. The time right now was 9:50. More than an hour ago.

I frantically ran over to Giyuu, who was still asleep.

"Giyuu, wake up!" I said, shaking his shoulder.

"Noooooo," Giyuu whined. "Five more minutes."

"Get up! My sister will be here any minute!"

Giyuu sat up straight to soak in what I just said. His eyes widened and he scrambled to get off my bed.

"Shit! What do I do?" He asked.

"Go hide in my bathroom!" I said, pointing to the bathroom door which I had left ajar.

The door downstairs opened, and I heard it shut.

"Shinobu! It's Kanae and Kanao!"

"Coming!" I yelled down the stairs. I pulled on a sweatshirt and ran down the steps.

"Well, we'll only be here for a moment. Kanao needs to get her charger. And I think I left some clothes in the washing machine. I'll go hurry with that."

Giyuu's shirt. "No!"

Kanae turned to look at me with a confused glance. "What do you mean, no?"

"You know what, you're busy. You and Kanao hurry and get back. It's a three hour drive. I'll handle the laundry."

"Well thank you, Shinobu. Come on, Kanao! We have to leave now!"

"Coming Kanae!" Kanao said, skipping down the steps. "I heard someone in Shinobu's room."

Kanae turned to look at me again.

"Oh, that? I was watching a video on my phone. I must've left it on and not noticed."

Kanae nodded. She and Kanao gathered some snacks from the kitchen for themselves and left. A sigh of relief escaped my lips.

"Giyuu, they're gone," I called up the stairs. Giyuu showed up a minute later, looking refreshed.

"Morning, Beautiful," he said, kissing my cheek.

"That was too cheesy, Giyuu."

"Well that was too close. Why were they here, anyways?"

"My sister left her charger so they drove all the way back here. She's so spoiled."

"Lucky. I wish I was spoiled. I'd have a shirt to wear at the moment."

"About your shirt, it's in the washing machine. You can get it out, but it'll be damp."

"Better than nothing," Giyuu said, shrugging. He went to get his shirt, and reappeared with it on a minulet later.

"Well," I said, "are you gonna tell your sister? About, you know, you being here? About Oliver?"

"I probably won't. Or I might. Or I, well, I don't know. But I'm used to keeping secrets from her," he said.

"Do you want breakfast, Giyuu? I could make us coffee."

Giyuu gave me a rare grin. "I'd like that, Shinobu."

Tsutako Tomioka

I was at the store, picking up groceries. My mind kept wandering back to my brother, Giyuu. I was positive he wasn't at a friend's house. Maybe he was at Shinobu's. I'd have to confront him later.

Conveniently, I dropped the groceries I was holding while trying to get out my car keys.

"Oh, great," I muttered, opening my car to throw in my purse. I bent down to pick up the things I'd dropped.

"Would you like any help?" Someone asked.

I looked up. Giyuu's Japanese teacher, Bob Hino, was standing there. I smiled.

"Thank you, Hino-sensei. I'm extremely clumsy."

"Call me Bob. And no worries."

We bent down to pick the things up. In a minute, all the food was in the trunk of the car.

"Thanks again," I said, pulling the dark hair out of my face.

"No problem. You're um, Giyuu's sister, right?"

"Yes. Yeah, he's obviously not here at the moment."

"Well, his grades has gone up a whole letter. He has A's now, which is amazing."

"His girlfriend, Shinobu Kocho, helps him study a lot."

"Shinobu Kocho is a good student. There couldn't be any other student better for studying with him."


"Yeah. If you have some time, we could grab some coffee. And talk about Giyuu and... stuff."

I smiled. "I'd like that."


Surprise! DIdn;t expect Tsutako meeting someone did you. (In real life, I didn't know what to write after the sleepover so while I was thinking i suddenly remembered that tsutako is in a pretty shitty relationship, so i did this:) ) So anyways, Bob is a OC, he is not in any manga or book or in the anime. I searched around for someone close to Tsutako, and I did find him, but it was literally and unnamed fiancee, so i made an OC. WHo is bob, idk why he's called bob, he just is.

(re edit, i realized that i forgot to put in the title for the chapter, oops)


The Vacation Home (GiyuShino)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum