11. The Plan

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After school. Man, today was the day I wish I'd had school longer.

I came home to a drunk Oliver. He was all alone in the dark living room, resting on his worn out reddish brown couch. Some beer cans littered the ground, and he was holding one in his hand. A nearly empty one.

"Giyuu! Why are you so late?"

"I'm not late," I scowled.

"I don't care! I'm tired of you actin' like a jackass when I'm with my friends. You're always getting' on my nerves. You ungrateful shit!"

Oliver stood up. I backed away a couple of steps and grabbed my backback to shiled myself. Oliver's hands balled into an angry, shaking fist. He let out a low growl.

"I've been wantin' to teach you a lesson for a while now, boy."

He punched my gut, but most of the blow was blocked by my bag. I was breathign heavily, but I didn't know what to do.

This had only happened once before, a couple of months ago. I knew what was coming.

Oliver ripped my backpack out of my clutch. He always managed to find my weak spot. With my chest unprotected, he grabbed my shirt from the front and slammed my head against the wall behind me.

"Ah," I let out a soft moan. I couldn't scream. I couldn't seem helpless.

The most injured parts of my body in the end were my chest and torso. I dragged my body to my bedroom. The only reason he had stopped was because he'd gotten a phone call.

I couldn't tell anyone about Oliver's abuse towards me. My sister needed the money, and she would divorce him if she found out what was going on. Oliver knew this. He never hurt my mom, and he knew I'd keep my mouth shut.

In my bedroom, I flopped down on my bed. Breathing heavily, I took my shirt off to see the damage. Although I was bruised and red, no blood was drawn. Thank god. I didn't need that at the moment.

My phone buzzed. It was a message from Sarah. I'd given her my number before she went insane on me. I mean, she seemed cool, and I wanted to be friends wither her. But I was with Shinobu now.

Hey, giyuu. Srry i can pushy and annoying in class today. I was just a little annoyed bc shinobu and i arent on the best terms. Can we still be friends?

Ok, I sighed and texted her back.

No harm done, friend


Plans, plans, plans. That's what you want to hear, right? That was my job.

My first plan, make some jock get real close to Shinobu. Get Giyuu mad. Giyuu mine.

But then I realised. Giyuu's a rational guy. He would talk to Shinobu and set things straight. And we don't want that to happen.

This plan is much better. And I have help.

Shinobu is stubborn. If her little Giyuu was caught cheating on her, she would never talk to him again. Ever. Which is what I needed.

Now, I can't do the cheating. Giyuu would hate me. I needed help.

And that help, was Daki.

It was after school. Daki always had some guy with her doing who knows what in the back alley of the school, where no cameras would catch them. Daki, was the school wore. If anyone was willing to help me, it would be Daki.

I slowly walked to Daki's makeout session spot. Today, it was some blond guy, probably on the football team. He looked a year older than us. A junior.

I stood there for a long time. You're lucky I'm sparring the details. Finally, he left, and Daki stood there using her cell phone.

"Daki," I called, walking over to her. Her head shot up, and she nodded in acknowledgment.

"What do you want?"

"I have a deal to make with you."

She looked up from her phone. "I'm listening."

"You know the new kid, Giyuu?"

"Yeah, what about him?"

"He's dating Shinobu Kocho. I need your help to break them up."

"What do I have to do?"

"The classic. Call Shinobu, set you two up, boom. She dumps him. And I swoop in and take him."

"I'd do it, but what's in it for me?"

"You and I are different, Daki. I wanna date him, you want a makeout session with him. It's a win-win. For us, at least. Shinobu, being the stubborn bitch she is, will dump Giyuu, leaving him devastated. I'll give him a couple days to heal, and then he's mine."

"Fine, when's thsi going down," Daki says, fixing her smeared lipstick.

"This coming Monday."


Sry for the late update guys.

I kinda forgot about Daki, so here she is now.

And for everyone there who wanted a lemon, maybe in other books, not this one tho.

Also, today I found out that I got 1k views, thats insane, thanks for reading this far.


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