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Jay was a guy, a normal highschool kid who worked part-time at a diner — probably to get enough money — he was tall and slender, honey-brown hair and warm brown eyes. Max and Jenny waited a few minutes before the team came, all at once — as if  they planned it all — Then Jay came with hands full of the orders, dropped them on the table, dressed his apron and  smile his nuclear smile. That was what Jenny called it.

"I'll be back with the coffee and slice of cake sir" he informed and  strolled away.

Jenny's eyes followed him as he walked. Stop Jenny! Stop this madness, why are you acting like a douche bag .

"I see you" Luna who sat next to her whispered

"Se- see what?" Jenny whispered back, quivering.

"Aha, I knew it. You dripping over waiter boy here" Luna mumbled and  winked

"What! Me?"

"Yes you!" Luna rolled her eyes and cussed. Max's order came. All was settled and they began.

"So.. Why did you call us here Deslgord?" Bethany inquired

"Yeah, I've got news," He answered sipping his coffee casually "Mark's gonna do something!"

"Your brother, Mark?" Madison asked

"Yeah, my brother," Max said "I overheard him giving orders to XELZ. Telling it to get prepared to insert it's core into the Berston's power supply, at least they can't get to the world's general electricity powerpoint because the security there is tough"

"Oh, that's a relieve somehow... But still Berston!" Jordan faltered

"When is it gonna insert it's core into the power supply?" Cata asked

"I don't know, but it shouldn't be anytime soon, because they have to ship some Natonium over for their operation" Max answered, yet again sipping his coffee

"Ah, how awful!" Jenny said

"But, at least we've got a heads up and we'll be ready when they come" Jordan added.

Jenny eat her food silently while the others talked.

"But how did you hear the conversation?" Madison asked

"I can visit the headquarters at any time"Max announced, shrugged and munched on the cake.

"What?" They bulged their eyes out

"Yeah... Mark just sees me as an annoying pestering brother and nothing else... He won't banish me from going to our very own company. He needs me." Max said like was just reading a love quote.

"Oh" Wednesday mouthed.

"So you guys are on good terms then?" Luna inquired

"Not actually, but — yeah" he answered

"Doesn't he suspect you or something? Why would he just let you walk freely with no surveillance?" Jordan said  and snatched Jenny's sprinkling water from the table, and drank it. Jenny didn't mind, she was already full.

"Mark loves me, but he doesn't admit it. He can't do that to me, though he did put a tracker on my phone, but I've got it under control" he said calmly

"What da fuck? What sort of evil villain is that, he's too caring —" Wednesday whined, Luna passed her a deadly stare and she  shut up.

Max ignored their reaction towards what Wednesday said and replied "I know right?" He sipped his coffee.

"Don't you care for your brother?" Bethany asked.

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