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The team made lots of research concerning the robots and it's creator.
Wednesday came to talk to the girls concerning the urgent issue they summoned her for.
"So couz, I called you here for a very important matter, which is affecting us all" Luna began
"And we want you on our team, so that we can help eradicate the issue" Jenny added
"Can you guys cut to the chase, stop messing around" Wednesday said in a  high and cracked voice
"Well, we want to to help us fight the robots, please, if you do us this favour, we will give you a hundred bucks, how about  that?" Luna said in a pathetic tone
Wednesday laughed out so loud that the room echoed mysteriously.
"Luna, you don't need to ask or give me any reward, I accept"
"Are you for real?" Luna asked in a very excited tone
"What do you think I am? A comedian? You know I don't play jokes" Wednesday said
"No, am sorry..... Thank you, thank you couz!" Luna said
"Thank you Wednesday, we're really grateful" Jenny faltered
"Am so happy, girls, group hug?" Luna said excitingly
"Yeah" Jenny replied, they both huddled up for the hug, but Wednesday withdrew
"I don't do hugs" Wednesday said


Jenny arrived home a little earlier than Bethany expected.

"How was Luna's?" Bethany asked when they sat down to eat dinner
"Fine" Jenny simply replied
"Oh, okay" Bethany muttered. The room fell silent, only the sounds of the cutleries, were heard
"Jenny, what happened? How come you've become so distant? You've suddenly  become a ghost! You don't talk to me anymore, you only go to school and to Luna's. Why?" Bethany panicked
"Beth, can't we not talk about this now?"
"Why? Why can't we? You always avoid talks such as this, but when it comes to talking about those bots, you're always ready! Am your aunt, not a wall. We live in the same house, yet, you don't say a word to me" Bethany said in a fit of rage

"And why shouldn't I do that to you, why? When I talk about those crazy metal bots, all you do is to bullshit it, like I wasn't even talking, and now you're complaining. I said let's leave this sick town, but no. You want go on researching, research your ass out for all I care!" Jenny shouted
"Am sorry, I hurt you.. Okay, is that what you want? You're the only one I've got, am also the only one you've got, I thought we could bond and be a family, do you think am staying in this town for nothing? Huhnnnn! Jenny, if I don't try my best to destroy those crazy bots, I could lose my job and better still, the world would collapse under the hands of those bots" Bethany took a break to breathe, Jenny watched silently in rage, anguish and sadness " you know what let's eat, okay? It seems like am disturbing you!" Bethany said in a more relaxed and calm voice.

Jenny said nothing but ate in silence.
What have I done? I didn't realize that am hurting Bethany. This matter has turned me into a fool! She's even sorta on my side.

Jenny thought silently, she washed the dishes while, Bethany went upstairs.

The next morning, when Jenny woke up, Bethany was still in her room. Jenny felt bad for hurting her aunt's feelings. She did some toast and tea, then went upstairs with a tray of toast and tea. She knocked on Bethany's door.

"Come in!" Bethany said in almost a whisper.

Jenny opened door, and gave her aunt a gentle smile. She met her sitting upright on her bed. She looked messed up, she didn't look like the Bethany Jenny knew. Jenny frowned, even her bedsheets were all over the place.

"Good morning Beth" she said with a frown on the face "what happened to you huhn? Tell me, your whole room is messed up and besides you look bad" Jenny continued with her arms akimbo.

Bethany couldn't sustain her laughter, Jenny raised eyebrows

"Hey, what's wrong? " she said like a teacher

"Jenny you don't have to act like me before you get me to eat, okay? It doesn't fit you! " Bethany replied , while standing up and stretching out her muscles

"Okay, alright"

"And you didn't need to bother, I could have come downstairs to make breakfast"

"Bethany, am sorry, am sorry. Am so sorry about what happened yesterday. I felt enraged, I thought you were just  doing this to earn some money, but now I know better. Sorry" Jenny said with a sad puppy dog face, which made Bethany laugh again.

"Once again, you don't need to act like me, don't change who you're all of a sudden, okay? Cause it makes you look strange, huhn?" She chuckled "Alright, come, let's sit" they both sat down "so dear, you don't have to be sorry, okay? But truth to be told, I felt sad when you said those stuff to me and I want you to know am not a money monger or anything like that, okay?"

"Am sorry, and I hope you forgive me" Jenny said

"Sure, you don't even need to apologize, okay?...... So am coming, I've gotta brush my teeth" Bethany chuckled "they stink" Bethany whispered. They both chuckled.
Bethany stood up and went to the toilet. Jenny lay on the bed with a clear heart.


After breakfast. Jenny and Bethany went downstairs to watch a movie.

"So, Beth. I wanna tell ya something. And please don't freak out, okay?" Jenny said

"Yeah, sure, go on" Bethany said with her eyes still on the TV

"Am fighting the bots" Jenny simply said, Bethany laughed her ass out, until she fell and sat back again
"You're what now?" She said hysterically

"I and Luna are planning to fight those maniacs. We've got backup to, and it will be awesome, if you could join us" Jenny said confidently

Bethany nodded in dismay,

"What the heck is wrong with you huhn?
Your childish dreams are gonna put us in trouble someday"

"Beth, you told me yourself yesterday, you said you were gonna fight those bots,we can help too" Jenny replied

"So now... Who are the we huhn?
Okay, let's assume i agree, for goodness sake you guys are under-aged. I'll be crazy to put you in this. No way!" Bethany shrieked in disappointment

"Trust me" Jenny simply said

"Trust you?
For Pete's sake, you guys are going crazy. Have you started drinking?" Bethany said as she bounced off from her sit

"Trust me" Jenny repeated

"Darling, look" Bethany calmed down, sat down and held  Jenny's hands
" Those things, are dangerous. We can't stop them. "

"Please, we've a head start on our investigations, Beth. With your research am sure we'll win this"  Jenny said in a calm tone

Bethany looked at Jenny's eyes for  sometime and she could see determination in her eyes, not fear. She took a very deep breath

"I'll trust you, but look rethink this, please." She said

"I've thought and thought, this is the only solution Beth. " Jenny said.

Jenny seemed to have gotten her aunt thinking

"Alright, alright. I'll join you guys, but don't say I didn't warn you"  Beth finally spoke after a huge silence

"Beth, don't play, are you for real?" Jenny asked in amazement

"Yep, I ain't joking, just make sure you protect yourself. You mean the entire universe to me" Bethany said with a smile on her face

"Yesssss!!!!!! Thank you, thank you Beth. You won't regret this I promise" Jenny chuckled "I've gotta call Luna, Jordan. Everyone. Oh my, oh my... This is big, thank you" she said as she kissed her aunt on her cheek.

Jenny ran up the stairs to make phone calls.

Bethany felt satisfied and happy that she made Jenny happy.

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