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It's been two days since we've seen or heard from Kyler and Samantha following the news of Garrison's death.

I can't get a hold of him and Elijah is unable to get a hold of her. But they are all that's being talked about on ESPN, the way both their names are being dragged through the mud without the commentators actually knowing either of them or the situation is disgusting to me.

Of course Garrison is the "victim" in all of this and yeah it's unfortunate that he lost his life but I told him the karma would catch up with him.

I heard that 911 call that was leaked to the press. I heard all of them. The one from Samantha about Garrison which was extremely haunting to listen to. Especially being that Kyler can be heard in the background yelling to his mom on the phone about the guy who shot himself in front of his complex.

He was in shock and his voice was just corrupted. And then the calls related to the incident he was upset about were leaked due to the fact that both Samantha's calls and the neighbors calls were placed around the same time to the same police department. It's honestly insane.

But I'm more worried about my best friend than anything else and I know it's not necessarily an approved practice, but I got myself up and out of bed to come see about Kyler at his condo.

Our games today and tomorrow have been canceled by the league to allow us time to grieve our fallen teammate.

The decision was also made with Kyler in mind as he witnessed a tragedy first hand that they are sure fucked him up. According to coach, he won't be back the rest of the season and it's gotten him ready to tap out as well.

It honestly seems like this season is over, it was over a long time ago to be honest. It was over the moment Garrison broke his vows by both cheating on his wife and abusing her. This was all written in his plan and it's terrifying to think that one minute you can have everything at your finger tips and think you're getting away with everything you're doing. And the next, you're facing your consequences in the afterlife.

I think more than anything we all have a valuable lesson to learn from this whole situation.

I get up to his door and knock a couple of times and I can smell the skunk out here. He opens the door and I practically catch a contact high.

He allows me to walk in without a care in the world because he gets right back on the game. I close the door behind myself locking my sight on the huge ice catcher bong that sits just in front of him.

"Damn dawg. You living like this for the summer?" I take a seat next to him and look up on the screen to see him starting a race on F1.

He sits in a wife beater and a pair sweats that it looks like he's worn a few days in a row now. I can't smell anything other than weed on him so I can't say whether or not he's been keeping up with his personal grooming.

I just know that this is not a good look for him. And I'm saying all this as someone who spent majority of their college career and their first few years in the league under the influence whenever I wasn't on the court.

"Bro?" I try to catch his attention.

"What's good?"

"Chill out for a second. I came to check on your ass. Talk to me."

He shrugs not taking his eyes off the screen.

"I'm chillin' ain't shit wrong with me. I got the rest of the season to mind my own business. I don't have to hear nobody's mouth. I been in the gym every morning. I'm good. I just need my space. I've been needing my space."

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