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Garrison called out of tonight's game due to an urgent family matter apparently. I hope everything's okay. I hope she's okay.

As I try to get myself focused to go out into that tunnel and step out onto the court, I'm disturbed by Jabari's shadow.

He sits next to me and hides his face in his shoulder for a moment.

"Kyler, please tell me whatever you have going on with Samantha is done?" He whispers.

I don't respond. I wanted to stop thinking about her, now I can't because he just brought her up and I'm now having to wonder what he knows. Did she say something to Eli, which would most definitely get back to him for him to know.

"How long?" He asks.

I shrug.

"You love her?" His questions don't stop.

"I care. That's all. I just care."

"Well, so does Garrison. He wants to fix this shit. You have to let him."

"I don't have to do shit Jabari. He hurts her, I don't care how much he may have told your ass he loves her, he put his hands on her. Multiple times. I've never done no shit like that to any woman I've loved. And I know you not round there boxing Elijah's ass up."

He shakes his head and widens his eyes.

"Hell nah, she'd fight my ass back. She's crazy. But that's not the point. I wouldn't."

"Exactly. He's just scared he's going to lose her, which he will. And that's with or without me being the reason. So if I were you, I'd stay out of it."

"If ya'll let this fuck up our season, I would be the only other person in the bedroom with ya'll. He's talked to me about his problems, and we're tight like this. I'm going to be the problem too."

"It won't. It's done. Me and her ain't involved no more. It was just a one-time thing." I stretch the truth just a bit.

He nods as if slightly uncertain.

"Mhmm. Good to hear, I'm not exactly sure what's going on with the nigga but he's missing the game to take care of his lady. So let's take care of the team in his absence." He taps me on the back getting up.

"Yes sir."


Garrison and I have gone off the grid the past few weeks, meaning he's definitely had quite a leave from the team which was a huge sacrifice on his part. And he made it for me. He came in the room to me lying on floor in an emotionally debilitated state and has been so different since.

So caring, so concerned, so loving. The foot massages are back, the cuddling, the quality time, more than just promises.

This was a big deal. Him taking time away from his career to focus on us, is something I would've never expected. We have been hiding out in Europe this whole time. First in the South of France which we both love, it's where he proposed to me. We hopped on a train to Geneva for a few days, and now we are cooped up in Bellagio, Italy.

"So baby, we're on a flight back home the day after tomorrow. How you feeling about that?" He rubs my thigh as he speaks.

How am I supposed to feel?

I shrug and fold my arms leaning back against the headboard of the bed.

"How am I supposed to feel Garrison?"

"I don't know. We've been good. I want it to stay like this?" He sighs. He places his chin down on his forearm keeping his eyes on me. "I've let temptation get the better of me both at home and on the road and I've been praying. We've been praying. I want to stay on this path to us being our best again. You're everything to me and I'm scared I'm going to fuck it up."

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