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Today is the twins' 2nd birthday party and Eli has been a bit of a Momzilla with the party planning. Family is flying in, their Godparents, Jabari's best friend Teddi and his wife have been delayed due to issues with their flight. And the decorators are moving so slow.

With things being much better at home, I have a lot more energy and can be of much more help than she thinks I can. I walk over to the crew and prepare myself to speak with a bit more bass in my voice.

"Ladies, I'm not sure what's happening here but we need to move a a lot quicker. Guests will probably start showing up within an hour and a half and I don't want any of them seeing the set up process. If you need help just ask, I'm here and I'm not afraid to pull a bit of the weight."

"We got it. We apologize, we'll have everything together in no time."

"Please, and we got y'all. Food, drinks, whatever ya'll want. You got it. The caterers should be here in a bit." I let them know before moving to open the door for Kyler, whom I haven't seen in I don't even know how long.

"Hey." I speak low and kind of awkwardly.

"What's up?" He walks in closing the doors behind himself.

"Nothing much trying to help our girl get this party together but she's spazzing. I texted you to see if you could help hang the clouds from the beams up there, you know since you're tall and available it seems like?"

He frowns up his face a bit. "Tall and available?" He laughs.

"Like now, you know what I meant."

"Mhmm. I got you. Where they at?"

Just as I'm directing him, Elijah peeks into the glass on the door and knocks to be let back in. She left to get a cup of mint tea from Starbucks to soothe her stomach.

I let her in and as she's walking in, a woman comes up behind her and lets herself in.

I look at Kyler confused. He shrugs.

Eli comes and hands me my White Chocolate Mocha.

"Hey Ky Ky." She hugs him and it's clear to me that either she doesn't realize a random person is behind her, or either this person came with her and she simply doesn't care to introduce us to her?

"Um, Samantha?" The girl with the baby face approaches me.

"I'm sorry, who are you?" Elijah turns and folds her arms.

She looks at her and then back at me without responding.

"My name is Seraya..." Oh fuck no. "We need to talk."

Elijah frowns up her expression.

"I don't have to talk to you about shit, especially not here. How did you even find me?"

"I followed you here but waited in the car because I didn't know how to approach the situation. I figured I'd just come right out with it and save us both the dramatics. Can we please step outside for a second." She begs.

But who is she to do this to me? She's been fucking my husband. She's part of the reason a happy home was ruined.

"Bitch who the fuck are you to be begging me for anything, especially when I know you've been fucking my husband like the little groupie hoe you seem to be. Get the fuck out of my face. You fucking show up here at my godbabies' party to tell me what? Are you stupid?"

"Samantha. Let's talk a walk." Kyler rests his hands on my shoulders a moment.

"Yeah, you have to go." Eli tells Seraya, who twists her face in response. She stares at me with narrowed eyes as if thinking on what to say next.

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