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We just touched down in Orlando for the game against the Magic tomorrow and I get out of the shower to find Garrison gone. He texted me claiming he's going out to a Cigar Lounge with two of the players from the Magic he played with in college. And maybe he is, maybe he isn't. He could be going to see a new bitch in his brothel of groupies.

And he can, because I need to talk to Kyler about the altercation that took place at practice early this morning. I just don't understand why he'd make this his problem and put both their livelihoods at risk like that?

I go over to the dresser where Garrison left his copy of the team travel plans and look for the room locator sheet to find Kyler's room number. He's the only one on the 8th floor, just three floors above ours.

I throw on some sweats, and a crop top that barely passes my sports bra with my high-rise socks and slides. I put on a pair of shades and a beanie to make my identity a bit less obvious. I leave the room and hop on the elevator to find myself alone and facing my reflection in the elevator doors.

There's an uneasiness in my soul right about now. What am I coming up here for? Why do I feel the need to hide myself behind excessive articles of clothing?

The elevator door opens and I step off to a silent world. I can't hear or taste anything but my own heartbeat. There's a slight metallic flavoring on my tongue as my mouth drains itself dry due to nerves.

I step in front of his door and knock before I can retreat and abort this whole mission.

It doesn't take long before he shows himself. He frowns up his face a second and it kind of offends me, I'm not going to lie.

"Sam?" He peeks his head out and looks around before stepping back to allow me into the room.

"I mean, is this a bad time? I can talk to you later if so."

"No, come in. I just wasn't expecting you is all. Come on." He takes my hand pulling me into the room gently.

I walk in to the smell of Sage and Mint.

"It smells really good in here." I say looking back at him quizzically.

"It's my Serenity spray that I get from Target. I spray it when I'm studying to encourage a sense of calm so I can focus."

"What are you studying?"

"Just looking at some defensive strategies the other team utilizes so I know how to better work around ''em. Little shit to better my game. But what's up ma?" He sits back in the cozy little spot he's made for himself on the couch.

I take a seat on the arm of the chair adjacent to the one on which he sits.

"Why did you get into it with Gare today?"

"Did he tell you exactly what happened?"

I shake my head no.

"Exactly. You don't need to worry yourself about it then. It's handled already."

I cross my arms confused.

"But if it was because of me, you shouldn't have said or done anything. If he..."

"I already did both and what does that change Samantha?"

I stand up.

"Don't do that... call me by my government like we're familiar like that."

He huffs leaning forward.

"So you saying you don't fuck with me then?"


"We ain't familiar, that mean we ain't cool? Like we don't rock with each other like that? Like I don't put a pretty smile on that face every time I'm around you." He speaks with a confidence I've never seen on him before.

He gets up moving closer to me. His jaw looks as though it tightens and he stands over me in a way that sends a strong current up my back.

"I never uh, I never said all that." I stutter nervously. "Why?" I question his intentions.

"Why what?" He just stares into my eyes. He bites his lip as he concentrates.

"Stop." I tell him.

"Stop what?" He smirks as if not knowing what he's doing.

"Caring about me." He frowns his face up and leans forward. He takes his fingers to my chin and pulls my face up to press his lips against mine.

Holy shit, it's happening. Though I've tried to stop it, I've been dreaming about this. Yearning for this. He tastes so good. His hands move to rest on my waist and a warmth washes over my body that I never want to depart from me.

I want to pull away but I push up and lean further into him to deepen the kiss.

He bends a bit to lift my legs up and wrap them around his body.

He swiftly carries me into the bedroom to lay me down on the bed and crawl over me. He stares into my eyes as he hangs above me, just admiring what he sees it seems. One of his hands rest just above my head and he uses his thumb to caress my forehead.

I grab onto his arms just below his shoulders and rest in his display of affection.

He places tiny kisses on my cheek and then down along side my chin.

"I'm not going to stop." He whispers between kisses. He pauses a moment to meet my eyes again.

"Then don't." The words just come out of my mouth and gives him permission to take whatever measures he feels he needs to.

I wonder if Garrison feels this good when he cheats? Like, completely exhilarated, fight or flight, like at any moment I could get caught and get in trouble, literally get my ass beat down. Or even killed. I've had a gun to my head a couple of times before, and even that didn't feel as dangerous as this.

But the way he separates and reconnects with me in alignment with some inaudible rhythm just feels so good, otherworldly even. It's almost worth the risk. No, it is.

"Where do you want me to put it?" He asks in a moan.

"Wait, not yet. Please." I beg holding onto him for dear life as his strokes start to slow down. "I'm almost there." I tell him and just that statement alone pushes me so much closer.

He bites my neck and starts to suckle on it.

"Pull out." I groan just in case he can't hold it much longer.

He does just that and let's himself go just outside of me on the sheets and slips his fingers in to make sure I get mine.

"Cum on my fingers baby." He moves to literally suck an orgasm out of me.

I grab his arm so hard I tear into his skin as any and all sense jerks itself loose from my body.

He gives himself a little taste before coming back up to my neck to kiss it with so much passion and understanding.

"Damn." Is all I can say.

He kisses my cheek and then gets up and goes into the bathroom.

I sit up and climb off the bed to start putting my clothes back on.

He comes back out and looks concerned.

"Wait, come here." He shakes out the warm damp towel and touches my stomach to gently push me back onto the bed.

He rubs the towel between my legs to wipe me off and talks to me as he does.

"You okay? You not feeling a crazy amount of worry or regret are you? Cause if so I didn't mean to do that to you. I know your situation and I don't want to make things harder for you ma."

"Kyler, I'm okay. I know what I did. And I don't feel bad about it. Thank you. You know, for showing me that it's possible to be pleased again. Thank you for caring." I slowly take the towel from his hands. "I uh, I should get back to the room before he comes back."

I get up and get dressed saying nothing further. What the hell am I going to do with him?

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