Someone Else's Shoes

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"I never knew," Nie Huaisang whispered to himself. "He's my best friend, yet I never knew."

Lan Xichen frowned at his comment. "Nie Huaisang, you can't put so much pressure on yourself."

His face only paled farther. "I'm the one that brought him back with his memories. I thought maybe..." he cut off. "Maybe I shouldn't have. At least then he wouldn't still be suffering."

The two Lans stayed quiet. They weren't quite sure how to respond. The three were left traumatized after watching Wei Wuxian nearly take his own life. It was the first time other than the nightmares that the three had seen Wei Wuxian completely unravel. He was too good at keeping up this front for others. Even alone he rarely allowed this mask to slip. Almost like he was conditioned not to.

"I'm sure Wei-gongzi does not feel the same way," Lan Xichen tried to console.

Nie Huaisang shook his head. "I know that. He cares more about others than himself. All of this is just proof enough. He'd much rather suffer for the rest of his life if it means he got to help the people he cares about." He looked down at his clenched hands. "Now he wants to help me and stop the war from happening, but what will that do to him in the end? Will he just end up as hurt as he did before?" Nie Huaisang's voice shook.

"We will not let that happen," Lan Wangji cut in. He was determined to protect Wei Wuxian by any means necessary. Even if that meant protecting him from himself.

The memory shifted again. They were no longer in the burial mounds. Instead, they were on their way to the Jin sect to visit Jiang Yanli and her one month old, Jin Ling. It was only Wei Wuxian and Wen Ning. The two chatted lightly as they continued their journey. Wei Wuxian was so excited, there was a twinkle in his eyes. He held the gift he made close to his chest.

But the other three knew something was off. Something didn't seem right about this entire occurrence.

Sure enough, they were ambushed, being led by Jin Zixun, who claimed that Wei Wuxian had cursed him. Wei Wuxian denied having any part. The three observers believed it could not be true, otherwise they would have seen the backlash of the curse on Wei Wuxian himself.

Jin Zixun became angry and instantly attacked them with the men he brought with them. Some of them even came from the Nie and Lan sect. Lan Xichen took note of the faces once again.

Perhaps I need to be making stricter protocols to make sure this doesn't happen. Surely I didn't allow them to intervene. Lan Xichen thought.

Wen Ning went on the defensive immediately and protected Wei Wuxian from the attack. Jin Zixun kept calling out to Wei Wuxian, continuing to make the situation worse. Lan Wangji could see Wei Wuxian growing more fidgety and uncomfortable. 

"Stop this madness!" someone called. Jin Zixuan intervened and landed between Jin Zixun and Wei Wuxian. He tried to negotiate, but neither side really listened.

Jin Zixun continued to taunt, even with Jin Zixuan trying to get them both to lower their weapons. 

In a moment of lost concentration, Jin Zixuan tried to approach Wei Wuxian with his sword in hand. 

On instinct, Wei Wuxian acted out.

In an instant, when Wei Wuxian felt his control slip, Wen Ning punched a hole in Jin Zixuan's chest.

Wei Wuxian's eyes widened in shock as Jin Zixuan fell to his feet. "A-Li, is still...waiting for you," he gasped out before taking his final breath and falling to the ground. 

The three observers watched in shock as Wen Ning went on a rampage and killed many of the people there. Though, they didn't see much for long before Wei Wuxian blacked out and they fell in the abyss.

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