Unbalanced Communication

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Lan Wangji needed to speak to Wei Wuxian. His brain wasn't making sense with what happened the day before in the library, and he was desperate to figure it out. When morning came, he immediately got ready and began walking around in hopes of finding Wei Wuxian before classes.

The conversation they had yesterday was important. It was vital that they continued the conversation and understand each other. Lan Wangji couldn't make sense of his own thoughts, without knowing Wei Wuxian's.

Closing in on class time, Lan Wangji finally found him.

"Wei Ying," he called. He knew he would find him near the edge of the forest. It is where Lan Wangji found him most of the time when they were not in lectures or in the library.

"Lan Zhan!" he called back. He was excited to see the Lan back, but was also concerned considering when they had last spoken.

"We need to talk," Lan Wangji said.

Wei Wuxian grew worried and took a step back. "Lan Zhan...if this is about our conversation yesterday, I'm sorry. I-I promise I will sort this out."

Lan Wangji shook his head, but his ears tinted at the reminder of their talk. "No apologies."

Wei Wuxian's head tilted. "Then, why are you here?"

Lan Wangji steeled himself. He took a deep breath in and prepared himself for what he was about to say. Wei Wuxian's expression only worsened. "We need to discuss this further," he said.


Lan Wangji paused while he though. "To understand."

Wei Wuxian frowned. He didn't know where this conversation was headed and he was dreading the worst. "Understand what?"

"Each other. What was said. What we should do."

Wei Wuxian crossed his arms. "There's nothing to discuss. We're friends, that's it. If you even see me that way."

"Wei Yi-"

"Lessons start soon, we should go."

"No. We need to talk."

"I don't want to talk! Especially not about this. We need to get to our lessons or we'll be late." Wei Wuxian turned and left in a hurry. Lan Wangji could only follow.

The two made it to class. Nie Huaisang sat at his table but jumped when he saw Wei Wuxian walk in. "Wei-xiong!" he called.

Wei Wuxian smiled and quickly went over to him.

Class began not too long after that. Lan Wangji could not focus. He kept glancing at the boy who continued to stare at his desk, lost in thought.

He wanted to be there for Wei Wuxian, but he didn't know how he could convince him to let him in. He wanted Wei Wuxian to trust him.

Lan Xichen noticed how distracted his brother seemed. He glanced between his brother and Wei Wuxian. He concluded that something must have happened between them, and it has left Lan Wangji in turmoil. He would speak to him about it after lessons.

Nie Huaisang also noticed how strange the two seemed to be acting. Of course, he knew he needed to check in on Wei Wuxian after their conversation yesterday, but he didn't realize he needed to be concerned about the cold shoulder Wei Wuxian was giving Lan Wangji.

Perhaps they had a fight. Nie Huaisang muses.

Though he realizes that this is probably the last thing Wei Wuxian needed. He remembered how close the two of them were before the war. Even if Lan Wangji would never admit it, Nie Huaisang knew that there was a part of Lan Wangji that found curiosity in Wei Wuxian. He is the only person he has ever gotten angry at before. It only makes sense.

A Means to an End (WangXian)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang