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Extra chapter for the holidays! Enjoy!


The four individuals sat around the room in a daze. Lan Xichen has been staring at his tea cup and it is now cold.

There was a part of him that knew Wei Wuxian wasn't lying. In the little time he has gotten to know him, he knows that Wei Wuxian would never lie about something incredibly serious. Nie Huaisang wouldn't lie about something like this either, and Lan Xichen has known Nie Huaisang for quite some time.

However, he couldn't comprehend everything he had seen. It was much worse than he could have imagined. He felt sick, knowing what the future might hold and what would happen to the people he knows and holds dear. He could only imagine the trauma Lan Wangji went through when the Cloud Recesses was attacked, and he didn't even want to begin to imagine the amount of strength it took Wei Wuxian to watch his home get burned, only to continue to be level headed and sacrificed his core for his brother.

A brother that I noticed always treats him a little unwell, Lan Xichen notes.

Nie Huaisang was in a similar state. He kept opening and closing his decorative fan as his mind wandered off. He knew Wei Wuxian went through something extreme, but he never could predict this. Everyone thought he had just turned to the unorthodox path because he wanted to. Everyone thought the resentful energy altered his own core, which is why he couldn't wield his sword. How wrong everyone was.

Nie Huaisang had a burning hatred set in his chest. He knew there had to be a reason for Wei Wuxian to do what he did, but even Wei Wuxian's own brother wouldn't listen to him. No one in the cultivation world tried to figure out the source to such a change. Wei Wuxian was a prominent cultivator. He was powerful and determined and generous. Why did everyone believe so easily that he decided to throw it all away to mess with resentful energy?

Why didn't I fight harder to defend him?

Lan Wangji refused to let go of Wei Wuxian's hand, which the latter found odd, yet comforting. Lan Wangji hated himself. He has never felt such hatred towards his own person, and yet he did. He could never have fathomed that a person so selfless, yet so carefree and happy could live in this world, especially after everything that happened. Lan Wangji thought someone like him could never exist. People were greedy and hungry for power. They're manipulative, hypocritical, and condescending. It's why he never really enjoyed other people's company. Most of them are fake.

But Wei Wuxian is something so far beyond all of that. It was incredibly eye opening for Lan Wangji. He had pushed this individual so far away because of events in the past. He never tried to fully understand who this person beside him is. He realizes he may never fully understand him. They are so different, yet eerily similar in all the same ways.

However, now he sits here, beside Wei Wuxian, and the only thing he has the urge to do, is go punish himself.

How could he let someone so benevolent, and kind, and heartwarming slip through his fingers? How could he shove him away so diligently, even though he kept coming back? How could he not be there to protect someone as pure as yang energy itself?

I was stupid and shoved the most beautiful person in existence away.

"Lan Zhan?" Wei Wuxian noticed the slight tremor to Lan Wangji's hand. It grew more intensive as time went on and Wei Wuxian became more concerned.

Lan Wangji looked down at Wei Wuxian. "Mn?"

Wei Wuxian bit his lip before continuing. "I...don't be upset, I'm sorry," he said in a quiet voice.

A Means to an End (WangXian)Where stories live. Discover now