Thoughts From the Past

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Jiang Wanyin and Jiang Yanli sat beside Wei Wuxian in the medical room. They were only told a little bit about what happened to him because Lan Xichen wanted to talk to Wei Wuxian more first before fully disclosing everything and contacting the Jiang's. 

Lan Xichen did not approve of this at first. Normally when something serious occurs, they are to notify the family immediately, but Nie Huaisang had convinced him to wait.

He told Lan Xichen that he believes part of what happened to Wei Wuxian is because of his family situation. Of course, Lan Xichen already understood this, but he was still left with little to go on. Nie Huaisang said he can't reveal more without Wei Wuxian's permission. It is something they would need to discuss with him once he wakes up.

Lan Wangji sat at the far table in the room with his brother across from him. He played a soothing song on his guqin that he hoped would help ease Wei Wuxian's mind. Wen Qing and Wen Ning had left the room momentarily to prepare more herbs for when he woke up.

Nie Huaisang sat in the corner with his head down. He knows that there is a negative history between Wei Wuxian and the Jiangs. He did not lie to Lan Xichen, but he did not tell the full truth either. He blamed himself for what happened to him. If only he had kept his mouth shut and not mentioned anything to him, then surely Wei Wuxian would be okay right now.

"Lan Zhan," Wei Wuxian muttered in his sleep.

"A-Xian?" Jiang Yanli called. He did not respond, and his eyes remained closed. "Second Young Master?" Jiang Yanli turned to the Lan playing at the far back of the room.

Lan Wangji stopped playing and paid full attention to her.

"He's calling for you." 

"Jiejie," Jiang Cheng called sternly.

"A-Xian wants him right now. Who are we to step in between that?" she defended. She stood up and moved to a separate part of the room to allow Lan Wangji access to sit beside Wei Wuxian. Jiang Wanyin followed her.

Lan Wangji stood and took her place. He held Wei Wuxian's hand lightly. "Wei Ying," he whispered.

Wei Wuxian's head turned. "Lan Zhan," he called again.

"I'm here, Wei Ying. Open your eyes."

Slowly, consciousness came to Wei Wuxian and he was able to wake up. When his eyes finally opened, he saw the shining golden eyes of Lan Wangji.

"Lan Zhan," his voice cracked. Tears welled up at the sides of his eyes and his bottom lip quivered. "I-I pushed you away. I h-hurt you," he whispered.

Lan Wangji did not know what he was talking about, but he allowed Wei Wuxian to talk nonetheless.

"You have never hurt me," he tried to reassure him. He used his thumb to wipe away his tears.

"But I will. That's what hurts. No matter how hard I try. Eventually, I will hurt you," he said.

"What do you mean?" he asked. It sounded like Wei Wuxian was speaking in riddles. Lan Wangji was reminded again how Wei Wuxian knew more than he should.

"Wei-xiong," Nie Huaisang called. "Your siblings are here," he said more as a warning. He didn't want Wei Wuxian to accidentally reveal something that not everyone was meant to hear.

He doesn't trust Jiang Wanyin as much as he used to.

Wei Wuxian tried to sit up, but winced in pain. "Stay still, do not force yourself," Lan Wangji told him.

Wei Wuxian did not listen and sat up, leaning against the wall. 

"Shijie, Jiang Cheng," he called. His siblings came over to him. There were tears in Jiang Yanli's eyes and Jiang Cheng had his hands clenched so tightly that his knuckles turned white.

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