"But I'm at home, why don't we just grab some from the mart nearby?" I tried, turning to face Yugyeom.

"NO. It's a different atmosphere, come on" Yugyeom sighed, turning me back to face the bedroom and giving me a shove.

"Hyung" Yugyeom called, JB appearing beside us and nudging me as well.

"Let's just go"

I sighed and closed my bedroom door to get ready, changing into a black pullover along with light blue jeans. I didn't bother to style my hair and headed out of the room, Yugyeom quickly latching on to me and tugging me out of the apartment.

"The place is really great, there's this really nice snack that they give as service..." he chattered on. I threw on desperate look over my shoulder to JB and Youngjae in the elevator, the two of them bursting into laughter instead of helping.

I nudged Yugyeom out when the doors open, JB and Youngjae only laughing harder in response. Yugyeom paused at the doors of the elevator as we exited to the basement carpark, realising that someone was there and that none of us were wearing our masks. I looked over and saw that it was that guy who found Coco.

He looked tired, still as good looking as I remembered but tired, his eyes grazing pass us and entering the elevator without a word. I caught a glimpse of him leaning against the wall just before the doors closed, his eyes shut with a small frown on his face.

"I don't think he recognised us" Yugyeom mumbled, glancing nervously at JB.

"It's fine. We weren't doing anything wrong" JB shrugged, jerking his head towards the carpark.


I thought about the guy and chanced upon him a couple more times, always seeing him at night. I wondered what he does, his captivating brown eyes always looking so tired.

He didn't seem to recognise me, both with and without my mask whenever we walked pass each other, and I couldn't seem to muster up the courage to speak to him again despite wanting to know if his voice sounded as good as I remembered.

I was heading out to the mart for a quick bite when I saw him jog pass the door, my heart giving a little leap, his eyes brighter than I've seen in awhile.

I didn't know what came over me and I followed him, not bothering if he recognises me but needed to get to know him. I jogged behind him and was slowly catching up to him when he started sprinting.

I dashed to keep up with him, breathing hard through my mask. What was he even training for?!

He turned the corner and I followed him, skidding to a halt when I saw him standing there. I keeled over then and there, my hands clasping onto my knees as I tried to catch my breath.

"What. Are. You. Training. For. Some. Marathon?" I gasped, tugging my mask down and hitting my chest with a fist as I felt my heart wanting to jump out of my chest.

My heart clenched when our eyes finally met again, his eyes scanning mine for a beat before blurting out "Ah. The dog guy".

"Yes. The dog guy" I laughed, his husky voice sent tingles of joy and relief down my spine, his adorable expression making me throw away all sense of pretence. My hood fell back and I didn't bother to bring it back up, seeing as how my mask was already off my face.

It seems like he really doesn't know who I am...

He burst out laughing and coughing, his eyes still locked onto mine. I took that time to take a good look at him too, smiling happily now that I knew he didn't know who I was.

"No. I wasn't training" he replied, tilting his head slightly before continuing, "I thought you were some... robber"

He tilted his head again and seemed to sink into the shadows, his bright eyes checking mine warily.

The Way - JinsonWhere stories live. Discover now