"you guys are totaly fucking.." Ria whispered as her eyes were still on Tom.

"is it that noticeable?" i asked looking up at Ria.

"if you guys keep looking at eachother that way then yes, it is." she said as her eyes met mine.

"is he looking at me?.." i whispered.

Ria glanced at Tom and nodded.

"oh shit.." i said looking away from Ria noticing Cindy at another table talking to her friends. Her eyes were laid on Tom but he didn't even glance at her.


i ate up my salad and threw the plastic bowl away. as i threw it in the trash i glanced at where my bag is and oh fuck.. mine and Ria's school bags were right beside Tom. he was standing right beside the bag pile!

"Ria, you or me?" i whispered to her as my eyes were on Tom.

"you! i'm not going near him."


I started walking towards our bags. i then passed Tom and bent down to take our bags.

"9 pm, i'll pick you up." he whispered while looking at Dylan's table with his arms crossed over his chest. "understand?"

I nodded. god what does his handsome ass want again?!


After that i walked back to Ria with our bags.

"what did he say?" was her first question.

"what do you mean?" i asked confused.

"he said something to you, i saw it.."

"oh that, it's just.. about putting our bags in the lockers instead of leaving them there.." i lied.

"you sure?"

"yeah, nothing happened he just told me that.." i mumbled while taking out my flip phone. i started scrolling through it when suddenly Ria's face expression changed.

"code red.." she whispered. i looked up at her.
Dylan is coming over to us.

i didn't flinch i tried acting normal as i kept scrolling through my phone when suddenly i felt someones hands around my waist.

"babe.. i'm sorry.." Dylan whispered in my ear from behind. "i didn't mean to yell at you yesterday i was just mad.." he said while gently caressing my hip with his thumb.

I looked up at Ria while she kept looking at us with her hands crossed across her chest.

"i don't think she wants to talk to you.." Ria said while looking at Dylan.

"shut up, you don't know what's going on between us." Dylan said in a more harsh voice.

"don't be mad at Ria bc of our shit! she's trying to help." i said pulling away from Dylan and turning to face him.

"okay i'm sorry i didn't mean it that way.." he aphologised. it was clear that he wanted this relationship to work out. "can we just forget the thing that happened yesterday?.." he said.

"Dylan, we can't work with eachother anymore. our relationship is falling apart."

"no, babe it's not we just need some time!" he said while getting closer to me. "this is just a phase i swear we'll get better eventually."

"Can't you see that everytime we talk to eachother we get more and more distant? Dylan, i don't know you anymore." i said taking a step back.

"Tay i swear, we probably just need a break from eachother but trust me, we're gonna be okay." he said calmly.

When Your Eyes Meet Mine - Tom Kaulitz丰Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant