Storm 🥰

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⚠️Warnings: maybe a little angst at the start, nothing to bad.⚠️

1271 words

Y/n's POV:

I've been living at the Avengers tower for a while now. How I got here is a question I've been asking myself every day. One day I was just doing my job at the little cafe down the street the next I suddenly moved in here. Not everyone is very happy with my sudden presence around the place. Honestly I'm still getting used to it myself, it's been almost two months now but the first month at least is all a blur so it feels like I haven't been here that long. The only one I'm really getting along with are Wanda and surprisingly Thor. The rest of the people living here have either been avoiding me or just not been interested in talking to me. The one cool thing about living here is also the thing I kind of hate most about it, I live with the Natasha Romanoff, the women I've had a crush on ever since I first saw her on TV. I know you can't really have a crush on someone who you don't know but she's so hot, and she looks like if you break down her walls she is a loving person.

Natasha's POV:

Ever since an incident two months ago this girl named Y/n has been living with us. I didn't think I would mind at first but I was wrong. She seems to be everywhere all the time luckily she mostly keeps to herself. I don't know why she's here I don't like here being here. She's just this random girl, she isn't here because she's an Avenger, I honestly think Tony took her in for some reason and then started ignoring her. I don't trust her though, she's constantly looking around and studying me. Even though I could easily take her in a fight she gives me a very weird feeling. "Natasha! Did you listen to anything I just said?" I hear Wanda say which snaps me out of my thoughts, "no" I simply reply. "What's gotten you so distracted and tense?" She asks me. "Y/n I don't like her being here, she makes me feel very uneasy," I reply. "Natasha Y/n is not a threat, I promise you that, she doesn't know what she is doing here either. But she's a nice girl," Wanda tells me. "I don't trust her Wanda," I reply not able to shake the feeling.

That night at dinner Y/n seems extra on edge constantly glancing at me, at this point I'm not even sure any more if she's trying to hide it, also constantly looking out the window. I try my best to just focus on my food glaring at Y/n every time our eyes meet. I leave the table as soon as I finish my meal. Getting to the floor my room is on I somehow end up bumoing into Y/n, "watch where you-" I start angrily but Y/n interrupts me by apologizing quickly walking into her room. "What is it with this girl," I mumble to myself disappearing into my own room.

I wake up to a scream in the middle of the night, but as soon as I open my eyes the screaming has stopped. I listen a little longer hearing rain falling against my window quite clearly but in the distance I can hear some soft wimpering. Making the decision to get up and go find out what is making the noise. It takes me a moment to pinpoint where the winners are coming from but walking in the direction of Y/n's room the noises keep getting more clear, when I'm in front of the door I can hear her whimpering from behind it. I groan softly to myself, of course it's Y/n but deep down I also feel bad for her that she seems so scared. I hear her scream out again as another round of thunder hits. Her screaming obviously muffled, she's scared of the storm. I knock on the door not able to help feeling the need to help her, walking in when I don't get any response.

Y/n's POV:

I woke up around 12 am by some loud thunder immediately wild away and shaking slightly. Fear of storms, especially when thunder and lightning comes into play. I let out small whimpers as I look at my window and the liud noises from outside. Everytime the thunder sounds I whimper louder, with the first burts of lightning my fest completely takes over and I scream quickly grabbing a pillow to muffoe the noise really not wanting to disturb any one.

I hear my door opening, I don't keep it locked in case of an emergency and I need to leave quickly. Taking a moment before looking up to see who it is, my cheeks stained with tests that I'm desperately trying to fight. I bite my lip as I see Natasha feeling embarrassed and guilty for waking her. "I'n sorry," I whisper. "You shouldn't apologize for something you can't control," Natasha says closing the door as she steps in. "Everyone has fears, yours is storms," she adds walking over to my bed. This is the first time Natasha has really talked to me, and she's being sweet, kind of, she's very straight forward but I can tell she cares. "If you tell anyone about this I'll kill you in the most painful way I know," she threatens me, I'm not completely sure why she's threatening me or what she doesn't want me to tell anyone until she climbs into bed with me. "Natash-" I start but she puts a finger on my lips, "shush, the only reason I'm doing this is because everyone deserves to feel supported when they are scared," she says pulling me close to her.

I feel my cheeks heating up at the fact Natasha just climbs in bed with me, it's definitely effecting me more then I want to. Especially since I'm only in this position because of a stupid fear. Plus she might have no clue I have a crush on her. I think she knows though, she is a super spy. Would she be testing me. I close my eyes not wanting to stress about this, grabbing onto her shirt tightly as the next lightning hits.

Natashas POV:

The moment I lift up Y/n's covers and step into her bed I feel immediate regret, especially when I tell her everyone deserves this, even the people I care most about I haven't been this close with. Holding her and protecting her feels so natural though, I stroke her hair as she grips my shirt, within the next 10 minutes she's asleep in my arms. I realize a momen later I feel safe, I feel safe being this close to Y/n. I start to wonder if maybe all this time it's been something else and not that I don't trust her, I've never felt safe with someone so close. But even more then that I've never felt safe during a storm. I'm not just helping Y/n feel safe, she's doing the same for me.

I wake up the next morning with a strange weight on my chest, immediately waking up fully and ready to fight whatever is touching me when I see it's Y/n's head resting on my chest as she sleeps, her hands still holding onto my shirt a little. Remembering what happened the night before, smiling as I realized I slept through a storm because I decided to help Y/n, maybe she's not so bad every all.

Author note: I have a terrible fear of storms so when they happen I always imagine Natasha being there and comforting me. You all want a part 2 of this?

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