Avenger Avenue 🥰

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⚠️Warnings: fluff overload?⚠️

2512 words

All that everyone really wants around here is to get rich and powerful enough to get to live on Avenger Avenue, which really is just one really long street going in a U shape with huge villas. Honestly I don't get the hype behind it, it sounds almost lonely, living in a house with like 25 rooms all on your own, doesn't sound like fun to me. I mean with money just comes problems everyone wants something from you. But guess where I am going today, yeah that's right Avenger Avenue, not because I'm rich or powerful, quite the opposite actually, I'm looking for a job and to my surprise the one and only Natasha Romanoff has a job opening as personal assistant, now I have looked up to her for years, she was the first woman to move to Avenger Avenue, and unlike some of them like Tony Stark it isn't because of the making of deadly weapons, yes he's changed his ways but that is how he got there in the first place. Natasha has a business that helps people, it's sort of like an insurance company, but you don't pay thousands of dollars for that one time you might get injured or ill. This one is for the less wealthy people, the ones that can't afford standard insurance, and the sick people that don't get insurance because it would cost the insurance company too much money. Plus there is also a department that people can go to for help with how to create a more comfortable life with the small amounts of money they have. It's really a nice place, at least what I hear about it. Now why am I going to the Avenger Avenue and not the headquarters, because I'm doing a job interview for like a live in assistant, I will both help out with business things, like setting up meetings or making dinner reservations or what ever and I'll be at home with her to make her breakfast and iron her clothes. It's the job I needed as my parents just kicked me out since I didn't have enough money to pay their rent, which I have to pay since I'm almost 20, fair I guess but not the fact I have to pay their whole rent, 1500 a month so I crashed on a friends couch until I found a job, which I might have found now.

I ring the bell at the front gate, my heartbeat definitely sped up even from just the house, it really is even bigger than I thought, "who is this? And what as you business here?" I hear a deep voice from the little speaker, "I'm Y/n Y/l/n, I have a job interview with miss Romanoff in 10 minutes," I say making sure to sound more confident than I am. I hear a buzz and the gate door for walkers opens, I walk through it just heading for the front door, kind of confused the guards at the gate didn't just talk to me, it takes me a good 5 minutes to walk from the front gate to the front door, being let in once I get their, "Miss Romanoff will be with you soon just wait here," someone tells me leading me through a hall before leaving again. I just stand there kind of awkwardly as I wait for Natasha to call me in for. It only takes a few more minutes until the door opens and Natasha calls my name, I stare at her for a moment, her beautiful red her, her green eyes catching my attention immediately. Standing up after a moment a soft smile on my face, "that's me," I say and walk after Natasha as she leads me inside, "take a seat, would you like something to drink?" She asks me. I look around the office, it's bigger than my room at my parents place was, it's a modern design, "a glass of water would be nice thank you," I say sitting down. "Here you go, now tell me why do you think you are the right fit for the job? Why should I hire you?" Natasha asks me. I take a deep breath looking up at Natasha, "well I might not have a college degree or know much about running a business, I do have experience with scheduling and planning, I also am a good cook, and a good listener," I say just being as honest as I can, not wanting to base the interview on lies, also feeling like Natasha would see straight through my lies. "So you have some experience, have you had a real job before?" Natasha asks me and I nod, "I have, not something like this though, I used to work at a small hotel," I explain. "What about school?" She asks me. I answer her questions being as professional as I can be with little experience of jobs or job interviews. "So tell me what do you like to do in your free time?" Natasha ask me, which is the first question she asked that's not work related, "I like to write when I have the time," I reply honestly. "See you aren't just going to be around me while I work, you'll be living with me too, so not only would you have to be good at doing what I ask of you, we also have to get along well," she explains and I nod in response. "You are the first girl that I didn't get the vibe of that you are just doing this for yourself, the way you answered my questions means that you are the top candidate for now, I have three more interviews today so I'll give you a call tomorrow somewhere before 5 pm if you get the job, if you don't get a call before that you didn't get it" she says before leading me back out of her office. I just head home and let the waiting begin, first of all just glad that went so well also finding it nice that Natasha didn't hate me.

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