Safe with her 🥰

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⚠️warnings: transphobic behavior.⚠️

2607 words

Y/n's POV:

I'm currently sitting in the main lounge with Wanda, I'm braiding her hair while we are watching pitch perfect two. Wanda and I have been friends ever since I started living at the Avengers tower. I'm not an avenger, my dad is, the one and only Iron Man, I haven't been living with him for long. I mean he didn't even know I existed until two years ago when my mother passed away, but he took me in non the less. We had a very weird relationship at the start but he is really trying to step up as a dad to me and we have what people would call the father son relationship. The thing he doesn't know is that I'm trans, I'm not a boy, I've known for years and never told anyone except for Wanda. She's amazing to meet and helps me as much as she can. I'm terrified to tell my dad, scared he'll react badly, he's told me how glad he is to have a son multiple times. He's been away for a while now though, on a mission he's supposed to come back in two days. But now that he's not here I don't have to hide myself as much, Wanda and I pained our nails yesterday and she did my makeup today, nothing major just a cute look, mostly to make my face look more feminine. No one really questions what we do and when they do Wanda always covers for me, she likes to do makeup and everyone knows that, just like everyone knows I'm horrible at saying no so she will say she wanted to practice on someone else and everyone believes her. I hear the door open as I'm talking to Wanda still in the middle of braiding her hair, not alarmed as the other avengers are here and have been walking in and out of the room, a few of them around the room and in the kitchen connected to the lounge.

"Y/d/n what is this all! Why do you have pained nails and why in hell do you have makeup on! This is ridiculous go take that off, you are a boy for got sake, you are nearly a man!" I hear my dad's voice from across the room. My eyes go wide as I'm frozen in place, not knowing how to react, everything seems to move too fast for me to process as I hear Wanda and my dad talking but it all seems so far away and in slow motion. Until it isn't anymore and I can hear clearly again. "Dad stop, I've had enough, I'm not hiding myself anymore, I'm trans, I'm not a boy I've never been one, I was born in the wrong body," I say but don't dare to look my dad into his eyes. "Nonsense Y/d/n! You are a boy, I don't want to hear anything else about this, no go clean yourself up," he replies. "Tony what the hell, that's your daughter how can you talk to her like that," I hear Bucky say tears running down my face as I get up, hearing my dad fight as Bucky, Sam and even Steve stand up for me. "He's a boy, he will never be a girl," I hear my dad say. "No she's a beautiful girl who was unlucky enough to be born in the wrong body," Steve says obviously not happy with the way Tony is talking about me. I start sobbing feeling arms wrapping around me, "shh you are okay printsessa" I hear Natasha say, I look up at her tears still rolling down my face, she runs her hand through my hair holding me protectively. "Focus on me beautiful, just ignore them," she says leading me somewhere away from the fighting.

Natasha's POV:

I was in the next room over when I suddenly heard Tony starting to scream. I immediately ran over to see what was going on, as soon as I picked up on the situation I took the kid away from the situation. Everyone was defending her, but no one was looking at her seeing the distress she was in. I only heard her come out to her father nothing more. I walked back to my room with her sitting down on the bed and keeping her in my arms waiting for her to calm down a little. "There, it's okay, you are okay," I whisper to her once we sit down. It takes her a while to calm down enough to process things again. I can see she's confused when she looks up at me again, everyone knows I don't like physical touch and here I am sitting with someone in my lap. "You needed the comfort, that's all that mattered," I whisper to her just to help her understand. "Can you tell me your name and your pronouns printsessa?" I ask her softly and see a sparkle in her eyes at the question. "Y/- Y/n and I use, she her pronouns," she says still sniffling a little. I wipe her tears really hating to see her so upset, "Y/n, I like it, it fits you very well," I say looking at her, "let's get you cleaned up and into more comfortable clothes, what do you think?" I ask and she just looks at me confused once again.

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