Fight 🥰

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⚠warnings: fighting and blood I guess. ⚠

1035 words

Y/n's POV:
I knew as soon as I would walking into me and my girlfriends room I would get bombarded with questions, really not excited for that. I take a deep breath before opening the door and stepping in, seeing Natasha sitting down at the table, yeah the Natasha Romanoff is my girlfriend. "Hey baby, oh, what happened to your face, baby are you all right? Who hurt you? I will kill them," she says immediately at my side. I just smile at Natasha softly, not doing great but glad to see her, "I'm fine please you are making my headache worse," I mumble at her volume. "Sorry, here sit down let me clean you up," she replies softly leading me to sit down on the bed.

Natasha's POV:
As soon as I turned and looked at Y/n my heart sunk, there was a split in her lip, her nose was bleeding, or at least had been, and there is a bruise already forming around her left eye. The poor girl hates violence, she refuses to ever physically hurt someone, she barely even swears, her knuckles are bruising so at least bshe defended herself. I just grab the first aid kit starting to clean up her face, "do you want to tell me what happened?" I ask her softly never forcing her to talk about something. Just making sure all the cuts are cleaned up, grabbing an ice pack putting a shirt around it and holding it against her eye, not minding as she doesn't talk.

Y/n's POV:
I zoned out after Natasha asked if I wanted to talk about it, I love her, but it's still hard to open up about it, I mean she is the black widow, on e of the Avengers, I don't want her to think I'm weak. Deep down I know she doesn't and she never will, but it's still scary. "I was on my way back from the store," I start knowing talking about it is good

I had just gone to grab some groceries normally Tony orders everything but I needed some specific items we didn't have so I went to go buy them. When I was on my way back this group of 20 to 25 year olds started following me. I got anxious immediately but just listened to my music and ignored them. "Hey aren't you the black widows girlfriend," one of the guys said. "Fuck you are ugly she could do so much better," another says and I just keep ignoring them, getting comments like this everyday, not even close to as insecure as I was about it at the start of our relationship. "Come on guys we all know she's just dating her to look good," a girl of the group says, "she probably has some hot dudes or chicks on the side, probably some that can actually do something," the second guy says. I just roll my eyes at the comments really not finding them creative at all. "I bet she can't even make her orgasm," the girl says, "yeah that's why she has the side chicks," the first guy says. Suddenly I feel a hand on my shoulder and I get pushed against a wall, "hey where is your girlfriend, did she break up with you?" Another girl asks, I only now notice how much taller these people are then I am. "No she didn't, she's at home," I say trying to walk off but getting held against the wall. "I don't believe you, why don't you give me her number so she can have someone that can actually please her," the first guy says. "I will never give anyone her number, now back off" I say trying to get out of his grip. "Oh come on little girl just give me her number and you are free to go," he says and I shake my head, "I said no now get off me," I say starting to get slightly angry, shocked as I feel a stingong pain in my cheek, letting out a gasp. "Aww is your girlfriend not here to protect you, you know what to do," the second girl says. "Never," I say dropping the bag with groceries I was holding onto the ground carefully. Dodging most of the hits but also taking some, only dealing out the necessary punches, leaving with a bloody nose a split lip and a soon to be black eye, maybe some bruised ribs too. Quickly walking back to the compound with the bag of groceries.
Flashback over still Y/n's POV

I tell Nat what happened and practically see the steam coming our of her ears, seeing the anger in her eyes. "I'm going to kill the fuckers," she says in a terrifying voice I just look up at her near tears, really just needing her to come and hold me, knowing nothing she can do will change what happened. I just watch as Nat gets up and walks to her weapon storage. "Babe, please, I just need you, to hold me," I whisper softly almost scared to ask.

Natasha Romanoffs POV:
As soon as I hear Y/n's scared voice asking me to come and hold her I forget about all my anger and immediately scoop her up into my arms laying down on the bed with her. "Gentle" she hisses and I immediately loosen my grip a bit, "oh my love, I'm here, I've got you," I whisper carefully pressing my lips against her forehead kissing her skin softly. "I love you," she whispers to keep and I smile happily moving some hairs away from her face, "I love you too, so much," I reply having a very protective hold on her, "I'll be there with you whenever you have to go somewhere, never again will it happen that I'm not there to protect you, I promise," I whisper seeing Y/n start to fall asleep, feeling like she's probably tired and stressed out about what happened, just holding her close to me, smiling as she nuzzles her face into my chest, knowing she's probably searching for my heartbeat as it always helps her relax.

Authornote: okay I really like writing these. This was my first ever request from probably one of if not my biggest supporter LxAxDx I really hope you like it!

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