Jimin wordlessly picked up one of the clothes from the table and started wiping his face from all the blood.

'How have you been, honey? How is married life?' He asks me

'Can we speed this up? I kind of have things to do.' Jimin cuts in with that steel cold tone

It took me a second to notice that Yoongi and Namjoon were standing at the door, still not moving. I nodded at them in the tiniest manner, giving them a sign to get the other guys in, receiving a light nod from Namjoon.

'Do you still have Mabuchi? I assume you took him with you.'

'Youchuro is dead.' I answer him, seeing his eyes widen a tiny bit

'I see.' He scoffs. 'And how exactly did this happen? I was convinced you wouldn't know a thing.' He turns to Jimin

'Apparently, I'm too stubborn for the drug to work on me. And I've never been more pissed off in my entire life. So you have that to look forward to.' Jimin keeps answering flatly

'Yes, I can see that. I've seen what you've done outside. Even I have to admit, you are a monster with that sword in your hands.' He chuckles

The more I look at his face and the more I hear his voice, the sicker I feel. I wish so badly I could melt him inch by inch. The amount of hatred that I feel for this man is eating me up from the inside.

'I think your wife there might have it out for me.' He winks at Jimin

I felt Jimin's hand on my thigh, gently squeezing me, letting me know to stay calm and not to anything rash. But I was boiling.

'20 seconds.' Jin's voice came through, giving us a sign when to be ready

'I can't imagine why.' Jimin tells him sarcastically


The countdown was almost over, and Jimin took my hand firmly, preparing to pull me down.


The 4 of them ran in, and the entire room erupted in chaos as his guards started falling down like flies. Jimin pulled me down, ducking my head under the table so I wouldn't get hurt as the shots went left and right.

Isui fell down from his chair, hiding under as well.

The chaos didn't last long. 15 seconds, and it was done.

I listened as the last of the sounds rang, bullet shells dropping on the ground, and then silence.

'All clear. All yours.' Namjoon announces, and Jimin drags me out from under the table

'Let's finish this.'

He pulled Isui off the ground, grabbing him by his shirt to lift him up. He was so angry that it looked like he picked up a doll, not a grown man.

'I was hoping for a different ending, I must admit.' Isui chuckles

Jimin pulled a knife without a word, cutting his face from his eye to his jaw on the right side, leaving Isui to scream.

'Now you look symmetrical.'

'I was thinking of how to kill you.' Jimin starts explaining. 'I wanted you to suffer. I wanted to cut you up for every memory you caused me to lose. But now that you're here, I can't bring myself to take the time cause it would require actual effort, and you're not worth it. So I'll keep this short.'

Isui was still holding into his face, bleeding heavily into his hand.

'May I?' I ask Jimin for his katana, glaring at Isui

'Swing sideways for a clean cut.' He gives it to me, moving back a bit

'I don't really care about a clean cut.' I swung at his leg and managed to cut off his foot cleanly, making him scream in agony.

He fell on the ground, grabbing onto the ankle that was bleeding, screaming in agony.

'That was pretty good. Try the other one.' Jimin smiles at me

'Don't mind if I do.' I giggle, swinging for the other one, but this didn't get cut off. I only severed it, leaving his foot to dangle off his ankle, exposing the bone as the blood gushed out.

The screaming could be heard through the damn town. Good.

'Ooof. That was rough, baby.' Jimin blows. 'Try again. Maybe under the knee.'

'Here?' I swing it, cutting deep into his knee, leaving his lower leg to hang, but not cut it off.

'You need more practice, but it ain't bad.' He made some kind of not bad face, stepping onto his dangling foot, crushing it with his boot. 'Sorry. The dangly part was pissing me off.' Jimin mocks him

He was pale as a ghost, still screaming his lungs out.

'Let me show you.' He opens his hand, and I place a katana in it.

He sliced both his hands off in one swipe. It looked effortless.

'Aaaah. I see! That's cool!' I clap excitedly

'I'm gonna throw up.' I heard Jin in the background, sounding like he will actually vomit

Jimin kneeled down in front of almost passed out Isui, who was missing me body parts than he had at the moment. His eyes were droopy, and he couldn't even look up. He is going to die from blood loss any moment now.

'Consider yourself lucky. If I could be bothered to waste a minute on you, I would. But you're not worth it. And this time, all the gods together won't be able to put you back. Enjoy hell, you abomination.'

Getting up, Jimin moved once again, but he moved so fast that I had no idea what he did. And a few seconds later, he spun kicked Isui in the head, launching it into a wall so hard that it cracked open, and the brain master splashed all over the wall and the floor where it rolled off.

'Fuck. Me.' Jungkook sounded utterly disgusted

'You know what, just to make sure...' he muttered and went berserk on whatever was left of his body, cutting it into pieces. I had to move back as the organs and meat pieces started flying around, splattering everywhere.

A minute later, it was just a pile of minced meat. Fuck, that smells awful.

'I think he's dead, man.' Taehyung gagged

'Juuust making sure.' Jimin mumbled, reaching into the meaty mess, looking for his heart. 'I wasn't sure he had one.'

'Oh, come on. That's just disgusting!' Hoseok grimaces at him

'I am not taking any fucking chance.' Jimin dropped the katana, using his knife to cut open his heart, splattering the blood everywhere. He cut it into pieces on the floor, then stepped on each piece.

Even I thought it was way too much, but I'm also happy. He fucking deserved it.

Hearing someone throw up, I turned around to see Jin vomiting in the corner of the room into a big flower pot.

'Too much?' Jimin asks me as he holds half a heart in his hand

'Mmmm..' I mime the sign for little, squinting a bit

'I can't.' Taehyung turned and left the room, with Jungkook following right after him

'Let's go home.' I smile at Jimin

'One sec.' He threw whatever was left of the heart into a wall, and he threw it so hard that it stuck to the wall like a sticker, splattering. 'Now we can go.'

Finally. Isui is dead.

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